• Hi guys,

    with some problems i finally installed XAMPP on my pc.

    But it really so so slow, nearly impossible to use. I ony put wordpress fresh, without install nothing else… every thing i try do, it need abt 1 min or more to answer.

    Even log-in needs so long.

    IS it normal or i have some problems?


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  • Strange.. It shouldn’t be super slow (could be your computer processor) My suggestion is try downloading MAMP – this is the best out there in my opinion.

    Thread Starter alexchef


    My pc is no the super faster, but no so slow.. an Amd a8 with 8gb ram…… is really unusable

    Thread Starter alexchef


    Is it MAMP one-click install? I’m no expert in Apache and mysql


    Yes, MAMP is a one click install. Very easy to use and setup. When you are installing MAMP you will be asked if you want to install MAMP PRO as well – just click no for MAMP Pro.

    You should not have to change anything out of the box but here is some simple guides just incase: https://documentation-3.mamp.info/en/documentation/mamp-windows/



    To the OP: In your WordPress wp-config.php file, is the entry for DB_HOST ‘localhost’? If so, change it to ‘’ and see if it helps.

    MAMP is designed for Mac systems and uses configurations that are extremely non-standard on Windows systems. It also requires the purchase of its PRO version to obtain features that are standard/free on webserver applications designed for Windows.

    Thread Starter alexchef



    Now it’s much much much more faster.. it’s nearly in realtime. 1-2 seconds now to do something

    Why happening so?

    Thanks much to you and to other guys too




    The reason you need for database connections is due to how the Windows version of MySQL was built. Using ‘localhost’ requires named pipes (the Windows equivalent of Linux sockets) to be specified in the MySQL configuration. Otherwise the connection must be done through TCP, and MySQL/WIndows requires an IP address for a fast connection.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Dion.
    Thread Starter alexchef


    Thanks much for the info


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