• I’ve spent about a half an hour searching the forums and cannot find anything on this. XHTML parsing seems to be happening to email subjects (not only on my site, but apparently on the support forums as well)

    For example, my blog’s name has an apostrophe in it. When I get comments, the email subject changes the apostrophe to “&#039”

    When I got the email with the password from this forum registration, the email had the code: “&#8250”

    This shouldn’t be happening and should be a fairly simple fix. How do I get this to stop happening?

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  • I too would like to know about this. I can’t quite figure out when it started happening for my blog, but it’s quite annoying. Also I got the encoded value in the forum registration email.

    Thread Starter Lynda


    Bump. No one at least knows where this code lies so I can take a look at it myself?

    I couldn’t figure this out either, so I just changed the name in general settings to include ’ instead of ‘ and it works. No more HTML gobbletygoop when an email is sent.



    Ditto for me. Drives me nuts, and I want my blog to remain “Andrew Kantor’s Place” and not “The Place of Andrew Kantor.”

    I’m wondering if it’s because I declare the namespace to be XHTML in the head:

    <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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