• WP v2.9.2

    I am trying to publish to a self-hosted blog via XML-RPC. It’s broken.

    Zoundry cannot get a list of blogs and gives the following error:

    ['blogger.getUsersBlogs' type:Error, code:0 msg:unclosed token: line 18, column 0]

    I am slightly confused because this function relates to the Blogger API. It’s meant to happen, however, since the wp_getUserBlogs function redirects to the blogger_getUsersBlogs function after this comment:

    // If this isn't on WPMU then just use blogger_getUsersBlogs

    I assume that WPMU is WordPress multiuser?

    Don’t know where to go from here. Help!

    — Roy

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  • That errors sounds like the XML of the response wasn’t formatted correctly. To be sure you’d have to look at the raw HTTP response that was sent back. Perhaps Zoundry has a debug option that will provide that info?

    Thread Starter gooseflight


    Hmmm, it’s something to do with the blog being off the root. I installed another copy of WordPress in a subfolder (same config). If I connect to xmlrpc.php in this subfolder everything works! Zoundry, Live Writer, etc.

    I’ll try changing the references of the include statements in xmlrpc.php in the subfolder to see if it’s possible to run with just xmlrpc.php in a subfolder.

    I think this is a bug since many self-hosters must have root blogs.

    As long you point to the right URL for the xmlrpc.php file it should respond correctly (unless there are errors in other parts like themes/plugins).

    Thread Starter gooseflight


    Yes, that’s how it should work of course but it’s not that straightforward.

    If the WordPress installation and the xmlrpc.php pointed to is in the root of the web (https://myweb/xmlrpc.php) xml-rpc from Zoundry, Live Writer, etc. doesn’t work.

    If the WordPress installation and the xmlrpc.php pointed to is in a subfolder of the web (https://myweb/wordpress/xmlrpc.php) xml-rpc from Zoundry, Live Writer, etc. works.

    We need more info to determine why that is the case though. I have WP test installs with both the layouts and the blog clients (like Live Writer, Mars Edit) work fine with both.

    strange, i had a problem on MU that only the root did not return an ID but all sub-blogs on subdomains did. After some weeks it suddenly worked (don’t know what happened).

    Sounds like the same thing I closed: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/12674

    Things I changed:
    – I saved my user profile again so it writes new metadata
    – I added a “trim(response)” around the response of the xml-rpc apparently that now changed.

    Thread Starter gooseflight


    OK, got it. The copy of xmlrpc.php in the root install started with BOM characters and these were being returned with the response so it was indecipherable. A fresh copy of xmlrpc.php solved the problem.

    The version of the blog that I created in a subfolder was a fresh copy of WP and that’s why the problem wasn’t replicated there.

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