• I get this error:XML-RPC Response Parsing Failed when I try to post ot my blogs using ecto or mars edit. My wordpress blogs:
    https://marchionda.org and https://macwitness.com. I really do not know why. Could it be a plug in that is messing things up? Any help would be apprediated. thanks in advance.

    I did do a search, but didn’t get any results.

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  • Are you using Dreamhost? Am having the same problem, and it just started happening.

    I posted to the MarsEdit forums. You might want to keep track there, too.

    Thread Starter MarchRoc


    Yes, I am using dreamhost. And they just said that they would only help with the installation of wordpress, but not third party things like ecto. But clearly something has changed recently. I will go check that out!

    This is almost certainly the same problem I had here with PHP 5.2.2. There’s a bug in that version with XML-RPC.

    Workaround: add the following line at the beginning of WordPress’ xmlrpc.php file, right before the first reference to $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA:

    $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA = file_get_contents("php://input");

    (In theory it should be fixed in the next version of PHP.)

    Thanks, so it should look like this:

    define(‘XMLRPC_REQUEST’, true);

    // Some browser-embedded clients send cookies. We don’t want them.
    $_COOKIE = array();

    # fix for mozBlog and other cases where ‘<?xml’ isn’t on the very first line
    if ( isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA) )
    $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA = file_get_contents(“php://input”);


    Opps sorry, mrmrocco is now Bunzie. I had a username make over. ??

    I did it like this:


    define('XMLRPC_REQUEST', true);

    // Some browser-embedded clients send cookies. We don't want them.
    $_COOKIE = array();

    $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA = file_get_contents("php://input");

    # fix for mozBlog and other cases where '<?xml' isn't on the very first line
    if ( isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA) )


    and things seem to work again! Thank you, Kelson.

    Bunzie, be sure to put it in the correct place…he mentioned inserting the code before the first reference to $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA. ??

    Wow, Thanks! That worked perfectly. I really appreciate you helping me out! You just saved my blogging world. :)Have a great day.

    i think if you switch to php 4.** you solve the problem

    Yes, or PHP 5.2.1. But PHP 5 should be the way to go, if possible.

    But on Dreamhost i have PHP 5.2.1 , why ?

    sounds as if it would work. Because I am an total newbee regarding php and so on.
    Would someone of you be so kind as to change (correct) my “xmlrpc.php file” – file?
    Can’t wait to work with Marsedit again!!!!!

    If someone would chnage it for me I would like to send the file by mail.

    Thomas from germany

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