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  • peterkings,

    It looks like the fnmatch() function isn’t present in PHP on the Windows platform before version 5.3.0; I’ll see about fixing this in the next version, and in the meantime, here’s a workaround, add this to the plugin or to the functions.php of your theme:

    if(!function_exists('fnmatch')) {
        function fnmatch($pattern, $string) {
            return preg_match("#^".strtr(preg_quote($pattern, '#'), array('\*' => '.*', '\?' => '.'))."$#i", $string);
        } // end
    } // end if

    Perfect stopped giving the error, Thanks! But now reports have a conflict: “Potential conflict with unknown file E :/ vhosts / xxxxxxxxxxxxxx / httpdocs / sites / sitemap.xml”
    I really need to remove my previous sitemap?
    Thanks 2!


    Yes, you won’t need it now! You can rename it or save a copy first if you like.

    Ok, thank you!
    there is some link tips how should I properly configure this part espexíica site maps of the All in One SEO?


    There is inline documentation and links in the plugin; my advice – use dynamic sitemaps if you can, static sitemaps if you can’t; don’t use indexed sitemaps unless you have to, i.e., you actually have a ton of content on your site (thousands of posts) and it all needs indexing.

    I really appreciate your suggestion, I will only use the sitemap vnculado the “All in One SEO Pack”
    Thank you really!

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