• I have been using xoops for a few months and don’t like it at all. A friend set it up for me. I have pretty good ranking with some key words, but pretty confident things would get better with WP. How on earth do I change to WP from xoops using the same domain name without losing my ranking?

    Please help,

    Many thanks,


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  • https://www.cre8d-design.com/blog/2006/09/13/moving-from-xoops-to-wordpress/

    Easy find..may be next time maybe try:

    “I will ask google before I post on WordPress support”

    Thread Starter Nick Kemp


    Yeah….. Sorry to trouble you vietknight. I guess it was silly of me asking for help here…..a WordPress support forum. Thanks for the advice about asking google. Should I also try Yahoo?

    Anyway, I did do a search on google and found the same link before posting here. I read the post at cred8d-design.com and tried searching on how to migrate to wordpress before posting here. I spent a few hours searching and trying to work out what to do. I haven’t done this before so it is a little over my head. I posted here in the hope I would get some help.

    So if this helps, I did have a go trying to figure out what to do before asking for help at this support forum. Are we cool now?
    Anyway, I am still having trouble. In fact, I don’t even know where to begin. So if anyone can point me in the right direction with a few basic step by step instructions that would be great.

    Cheers and friendly posting

    Well, after reading that link more carefully,

    I think that guy is suggesting you convert some table values to values that are compatible with WordPress by using this SQL script:

    SELECT storyid AS ID, 1 AS post_author, FROM_UNIXTIME( published ) AS post_date, FROM_UNIXTIME( published +43200 ) AS post_date_gmt, bodytext AS post_content, title AS post_title, 0 AS post_category, hometext AS post_excerpt, 'publish' AS post_status, 'closed' AS comment_status, 'closed' AS ping_status, '' AS post_password, storyid AS post_name, '' AS to_ping, '' AS pinged, FROM_UNIXTIME( published ) AS post_modified, FROM_UNIXTIME( published +43200 ) AS post_modified_gmt, '' AS post_content_filtered, "" AS post_parent, '' AS guid, '' AS menu_order, "" AS post_type, '' AS post_mime_type, 0 AS comment_count FROMxoops_stories

    SELECT "" as rel_id, storyid AS post_id, 1 as category_id FROMxoops_stories

    Since I can’t find any other source of conversions out there, I can’t guarantee this will work because I myself am not familar with Xoops.

    Try importing this into your SQL database.
    1) Log-in to myPhpAdmin
    2) Backup database and all relevant files.
    3) Look for a button called Search query.
    4) Paste the following code into it and hit go. (Do this seperately for those two code groups A&B)

    Hopefully, you won’t run into any errors while running these commands, as that’s the best interpretation I can get from reading that link.

    Thread Starter Nick Kemp


    Thank you very much for your reply and advice, and also for taking the time to read the link. I really appreciate it.

    I am still unclear where to start. Assume that I am a complete loser and really have no idea what to do. I have backed up my SQL database on to my computer I think – a SQL file????
    At what stage do I install wordpress? I have a hostgater account and can do the installation very easily with fantastico, or should I do this manually myself? Do I just install it in the root folder and then do what you have suggested in your last post. What do I do with Xoops – delete it at some stage? I have just realized ( right now as I am writing this) that xoops is not installed in my root folder, but in a sub folder of my root folder. In my root folder is just a single html home page and all the other sun folders. I am thinking this might make things easier???
    I am pretty sure I can do what you have suggested to do above, but before all of that, what do I need to do with wordpress and xoops.

    Thanks again for your help and advice,


    That is the missing-link that I overlooked. You need to find a way to get your blog posts from Xoops to WordPress. Since my familarity with Xoops as you can see is very limited, I would suggest you email the person who wrote that post in the link for advice on how she did it.
    You’re more likely to succeed.


    If you want to do it the long way, um, I would just say copy your posts manually repost them on your new wordpress once you’ve installed it.

    At what stage do I install wordpress? I have a hostgater account and can do the installation very easily with fantastico, or should I do this manually myself?

    It doesn’t really matter, as long as it works in the end its all good.

    In short, if you want me to give a stab at what you need to do next (not 100% sure).

    Install wordpress into a subdirectory anywhere. Run it, make sure its working etc..

    Go into phpMyAdmin, and look for the database where your Xoops stuff is stored.

    Run that script she has, which I’ve posted earlier. After running it, it should convert all those values into WordPress table values. Export all those tables that you just converted into an SQL file. Then go to your wordpress database, and import it here.

    Obviously, the safest way would be to email, but if you’re on your toes, you can have a stab at it.

    Make sure you do follow up on the board afterwards if you do get it to work, some people might also wanting to know how to do Xoops to WordPress.

    I wonder nick if you had any luck. I am also looking at xoops to wordpress export, knowing I will have to most likely do it manually.

    I too have looked at the link above and am looking for more info. WordPress has moved on from being just a blog, its plugins allow it to be a full blown CMS.

    Conversion tools seem to be a must both for premier plugins and the core.

    I am always surprised at the lack of them in many CMs set ups, whereas SMF for example ( it too has moved form a simple forum to more by way of extensions) has loads of conversion tools.

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