Since the last Jetpack update, I’ve been receiving similar. Using the debug tool, it states:
Oops! An error has occurred, please try again
Tools > Debug
Communication error
We were unable to make an XML-RPC request to your website. Please make sure that XML-RPC is turned on and that Jetpack is installed, activated and connected with your account. If the error persists, try disconnecting and connecting Jetpack again.
I have no idea what XML-RPC even is, and so I’ve never turned it off. Jetpack *is* installed but since the last update, I constantly have to ‘reconnect’.
I’ve read the instructions from here:
I see an ‘xmlrpc.php’ I’m assuming at the root of the installation but have no idea what to do from here – this is all greek to me. I’ve not added any new security plugins and I can’t imagine that the hosting provider is all of a sudden blocking access to it.
What else can I check and do to permanently fix this?