• Is anyone else with a blog hosted on Yahoo having insane problems getting in to the admin pages, let alone posting anything? I haven’t been able to for two days now, and I’m wondering if they’re struggling with auto-installing the new 2.0.3 version, or if something stupid has gone on. I’ve tried from 3 different computers, and 2 different browsers; I’m lucky to get even the blog at all.

    When I do get in, and try to make a post, or activate/deactivate plugins, I’m told that referrals have to be activated. But I’ve done everything it suggests, and get no success.

    I’ve had no success in the past with installing WP myself (it isn’t as easy as it’s claimed, guys, as far as I can tell); and Yahoo’s customer support is nonexistent, from what I can see, even if they were willing to help with things like WordPress (how do you even contact them???). So I’m begging to know: is this just me, or are any other Yahoo-hosted WP blogs undergoing the same problem?

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  • I called them yesterday. Yahoo has had an issue over the last few days which they say they are working on. My one site which is still there seems to be working today.

    Get a decent host…

    How do you explain whats at the bottom of the sidebar here https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Main_Page

    I don’t see anything. But we might see the Codex with different skins…

    Thread Starter harperbruce


    Turning back to the original topic:

    febwa1976 > did they say what was the specific problem? I called their service number today after finally digging it out of the Small Business site, and all I got was a drone who would not even tell me that a situation existed. And how did you manage to get even this much information?

    i echo moshu ….

    please, oh please … find another HOST!!!

    harperbruce – Seriously I have had hosting with yahoo for 3 years now and if you know what you are doing then things are fine and honestly my downtime has been very minimal. I also have a legacy of about 2 gigs of web access business mail on their servers – and NO other host handles mail better – including Horde, Squirrel etc.

    By the way the experts here at WordPress are hosted by Yahoo (see codex.www.ads-software.com/Main_Page) the link that Moshu missed above.

    By far for most of the people trying to do their own thing I would absolutely NOT recommend Yahoo for hosting. Dealing with their help desk is usually a waste of time and dealing with their specialized customer “php” email service is impossible.

    I have migrated most of my sites over to asmallorange.com and everything just “works”.

    In addition you will have a response from them in less than an hour if there is an issue and they will stay with you till it is fixed – OH – I mean including weekends and holidays – and European office hours.

    Your choice.

    just search the forums.
    yahoo hosting has ticked off far too many people, far too often lately, in my opinion.
    even godaddy doesn’t have all these “issues” – problems with them are simply a matter of not being familiar with them (i’ve used them for 9 years now – no “issues”, no downtime other than ONE 30 minute period, once, a few years ago).

    i’m not sure why www.ads-software.com recommends yahoo hosting, but they do. maybe their issues are different. however it’s not the ONLY one they recommend, and therefore if that’s why you chose it, and ONLY why you chose it, then you clearly made the wrong choice by not doing some research.

    Thread Starter harperbruce


    Thanks for the comebacks.

    After calling Yahoo customer support, and being told, “I can’t answer your question about why there is no access because you’re running a third-party blog,” I chose the new-host route. I just wish their customer support had told me exactly what I needed to do, instead of expecting I could divine their needs out of the luminiferous aether. I lost all three months of posts I had accumulated on the Yahoo location. I have a backup, but I don’t know where to go with this, and I’m just having fun re-establishing all my subdomains before I tackle extracting missing posts from the backup.

    When I’m ready to do that, I’ll yelp on here in the appropriate location for a PHP guru, because I’ll need some serious handholding, I’m afraid, to pull this off. Thanks again.

    I lost all three months of posts I had accumulated on the Yahoo location. I have a backup,

    If you have a backup of the database… you didn’t loose anything ??

    Thread Starter harperbruce


    Okay, o master of the Zen koan (grin). But I’ve yet to crack a book on PHP or decipher the instructions in the Codex; and until I figure it out, those posts are as good as lost…along with my quote-jar database, which I had up to 60 quotes or so. (That’s a plugin, and another matter.)

    In the meantime, I have another, slightly more serious problem with the “service” graphics disappearing. See my new thread, please, if you haven’t already.

    harperbruce – try here for restoring: https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/restore/

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