• My homepage loads but nothing else on my blog. I am getting an Error establishing a database connection error if you go to any category or post page. I have looked through the forums and I have noticed that this error has shown up in the past and the problem was on Yahoo’s end. I tried the repair mySQL function on Yahoo’s webhosting control panel and that did not fix the problem. I have emailed Yahoo and I am awaiting their response. I was checking to see if any other people are having the same problem with Yahoo.

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  • i remember just yesterday someone else having problems with Wp and Yahoo …

    i think they are also waiting on a response from Yahoo ..

    Thread Starter loringparkman


    Yahoo hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I deleted the latest plugin that I had installed, inLineRSS and that seem to have solved the problem. I had gotten the plugin to semi-work but apparently Yahoo and this plugin got into an arguement so I had to seperate them.

    from what i’ve read, Yahoo gets into a lot of arguments with a lot of things when it comes to their hosting…

    get out if you can… seriously.

    I am having trouoble…same issue…installed Print post & email. Deleted the 2 plug ins but still cant log in

    I’ve experienced the same problem: “Unable to establish database connection”. It has absolutely nothing to do with WP or plugins. It’s simply poor service and uptime provided by Yahoo. I couldn’t even log in to the db with phpMyAdmin. My site was down most of Sunday until Monday morning. The ad selling Yahoo and WP stating 24 hour support is a joke. Yahoo tech support is non-existent and any questions regarding mysql or WP or php are directed to a glacially slow email system. I emailed them regarding the problem with the mysql server on Sunday and they still have not replied. Unbelievably bad service. I’ve been with them only a month, but a minute with them is too long.

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