• While my intentions were good, the execution was not.

    I use WordPress on Yahoo:

    A. Backed up my WP blog and files onto my PC via FTP.
    B. Emailed Yahoo! tech support for instructions:

    “1. Delete the blog from the root directory and restore your normal web site.
    2. Install the blog in a sub-directory and attach that sub-directory with a sub-domain.
    – For instructions to delete your WordPress blog from the root directory, please visit: https://help.yahoo.com/help/us/webhosting/wordpress/wordpress-25.html
    – To reinstall WordPress, please visit:
    Here, in step 2, uncheck the box “Make my blog my home page”.”

    C. Did all that. The Blog Manager on Yahoo initializes a new blog and does not recognize the old one.

    For now, I have two folders on the server with my “real” blog (/oldblog) and my new one (/blog). I cannot despite best efforts get WP to recognize my real blog.

    Where did I err?

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  • You did not err.
    Yahoo Tech Support know as much about ‘tech’ and ‘support’ as I do the process of plate tectonics. They are a bunch of complete idiots. Seriously.
    Best advice? Move to a different host.
    That doesn’t get you blog fixed though, so we’ll do that.

    Database – do you still have the database on the site? You didn’t alter that at all?

    What was the goal in changing things? Upgrade?
    I can tell you to do various things but the above info will help us get you the correct advice.

    Thread Starter bbkld5


    Good to hear and appreciate the help.

    Every file from my old blog is in the folder /oldblog including the data bases. It has not been touched. Another backup is on my local PC, so if the /oldblog gets destroyed, we have the copy down on my PC.

    The bottom line is I want to end up with my blog on a subdomain, which is hat I should have done in the first place.


    Okay … don’t do anything unless you are clear and confident ??

    Your blog is at https://www.example.com/oldblog
    And you want to move the blog to oldblog.example.com
    If the above is the case, do this:

    Login to https://www.example.com/oldblog
    In Options there are 2 addresseds. Change them both to
    Save the page.

    Move all the files to their new location.

    That should be all that is required.
    If the subdomain does not yet work, neither will the blog.
    Additionally, if you had any links that used the full old address they too will break (they are fixable bu it’s last on the list).

    If I’ve got the wrong end of the stick, or there is anything not right, do say ??

    Thread Starter bbkld5


    Yoursteps are clear, but I must be missing something.

    When I try to log into example.com/oldblog, I get:

    “Sorry, the page you requested was not found.
    Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.”

    bbk – it would actually be example.com/oldblog/wp-admin where you log in

    (not to interrupt podz’s helping you here, just thought it might clear it up so you can proceed quicker)

    Thread Starter bbkld5


    This is an excellent forum, seriously. You guys are incredible.

    But I mucked this up beyond belief. I’m now getting all sorts of ugly errors and displays with no presentation headers or footers.

    Any mistakes or misunderstandings are mine alone, and not the fault of the experts.

    Would it be best if I wiped both blog folders clean and restore it from my PC?

    And delete all the pertinetn subdomains at the same time.

    If so, what would be the next step in restoration?

    yahoo hosting is crap, to be honest. I’m doing some work for a lady on their hosting, and their control panel is approximately far and away the worst bit of software of any sort I have ever used

    bbkld5 – can you get out of your deal with yahoo?

    If you can, https://www.asmallorange.com and https://www.bluehost.com never get mentioned here in any complaints and they use cpanel (which is a Good Thing).

    If you cannot …… I’ll have a go for you?

    here’s a link to a mini how-to for a yahoo subdomain


    it may be better if you wipe clean and then install a blog and then try to import the old blog.

    Thread Starter bbkld5


    Based on the above:

    – I have wiped out all other blog directories.

    – I created a new blog directory under /blog following the link provided by headlessspider (btw, ew) above.

    – The old blog is still there under /blog1.

    – When I try to login into /blog1/wp-admin/, I get the infamous:

    “Can’t select database
    We were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select the blog1 database.”

    – I searched the documentation for importing the old database into the new one, but must not be using the right keywords.

    Your help and patience with this newbie is deeply appreciated!

    I’m with the other guys… can you get out of your yahoo hosting? Yahoo’s notorious for borking up user sites… back to the days when geocities was the only free web host.

    Thread Starter bbkld5


    Unfortunately, I am stuck with Yahoo. ??

    fair enough….

    “We were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select the blog1 database.””
    means that when you made the db, and made you as a user, you didn’t ‘connect’ the two.
    You need to add the user to the db somehow.

    Thread Starter bbkld5


    After some long comtemplation with my good friend Jack Daniels…

    This is getting more and more complicated, so I’m going to start over. I will mull and continue to read the documentation, and will return if I have more questions.

    I appreciate all of the help!

    (well, not Yahoo Tech Support, that’s for sure.)

    trust me, I’ve spent about six hours over the last week wrestling with Yahoo. I’d like to think I have a fairly advanced knowledge of wordpress, and wordpress theming. Yahoo has me thouroughly stumped. It’s been randomly deleting pages, screwing up themes, and the like. It’s just not useable

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