• While my intentions were good, the execution was not.

    I use WordPress on Yahoo:

    A. Backed up my WP blog and files onto my PC via FTP.
    B. Emailed Yahoo! tech support for instructions:

    “1. Delete the blog from the root directory and restore your normal web site.
    2. Install the blog in a sub-directory and attach that sub-directory with a sub-domain.
    – For instructions to delete your WordPress blog from the root directory, please visit: https://help.yahoo.com/help/us/webhosting/wordpress/wordpress-25.html
    – To reinstall WordPress, please visit:
    Here, in step 2, uncheck the box “Make my blog my home page”.”

    C. Did all that. The Blog Manager on Yahoo initializes a new blog and does not recognize the old one.

    For now, I have two folders on the server with my “real” blog (/oldblog) and my new one (/blog). I cannot despite best efforts get WP to recognize my real blog.

    Where did I err?

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  • to play the other hand, i have not had such problems with yahoo’s wordpress thingy with an exception of “cannot connect to database” for about two days a couple of months ago.

    although i do admit that their support on that mysql issue was quite lacking.

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