• Dear WordPress –

    About a week ago I was receiving a database error message when using WordPress and Yahoo small business hosting, which has since been resolved by Yahoo.

    Since that time our site seems to load very slowly — and in some cases — not at all.

    A few days ago the site was down for nearly 24 hours. When we could access the site again, the blog sidebar — with permalinks, registration/login links and other content on the right side of the page — had mysteriously disappeared.

    Do you think someone could contact me directly (or provide a suitable Yahoo contact via a reply in this forum) to discuss these issues? I understand that we’re currently paying for the highest level of Yahoo small business hosting services, but our perception of the reliability and performance of the WordPress/Yahoo hosting combination — so far — leaves much to be desired.

    Here’s hoping we can resolve the issues as soon as possible.

    – Jeffman

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  • In this thread you can find references to a Y contact address:

    (Otherwise we don’t know anything about Y – except reading the clients’ complaints here…)


    I have noticed a similar problem with Yahoo. My site seems to work fine externally (what visitors see), but using the admin tools its slow or near impossible to anything within it. I first noticed the problem last saturday, and then by Monday it had cleared up. But since last night its been screwing up again. I’ve seen everything from it asking me if I want to download the PHP code, to 500 errors. Yahoo Guy said the past problem with the sites being down effected only 1% of their users, well I guess we are part of that 1%. My take is there is a database server somewhere in their farm that is screwing up. But, they don’t seem to have anyway of detecting the problem besides users calling them up to complaign.

    My wordpress blog on Yahoo is slow in both the admin screen and when someone attempts to visit. Is there any FAQ or documentation that will help with this?

    I am afraid there isn’t. I mean it’s difficult to provide host-specific documentation.
    If it is a host issue, the best thing you can do to keep telling/calling/emailing them until it’s fixed.
    Sorry for not being able to offer more help.

    What information can I provide to help look into this? I read through these forums about removing the rpc.ping in the ‘Update Services’ area under Options >> Writing.

    This has help some, but otherwise it just does not seem as fast as it was at my other hosted site.

    I’ve experienced my Yahoo WP this week with same problem guys… hope they can resolve this…

    Hey moshu:

    When I call Yahoo, they say to contact WordPress and this is what I thought I was doing.

    If you visit https://andy.gamerscircle.com you will see what I am talking about.

    Are there any reccomended settings to help speed up the blog?

    gamerscircle wrote: “Are there any reccomended settings to help speed up the blog?”

    Yes, switch hosts. Yahoo has to be one of the worst ones out there. I was suckered by the supposed combination of WP on Yahoo, but so far the non-existent technical support and down time leaves one with quite a bad experience. There is a growing list of complaints about their poor service.

    JackD – I agree – switch hosts. When I saw WP recommending Y! I was thinking of my experience … but that’s another story. Besides, will the reputation of WP suffer for the folks who just opt in for a Yahoo! account using whatever is recommended by Yahoo without knowing that the problem is the host and not the blog application itself?
    Concerning an advice about speed maybe this – https://www.lunarforums.com/forum/index.php?topic=29045.0 – will work for some of you. I don’t know, is it outdated, non-relevant?

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