Yahoo Small Business Hosting / WordPress Issues
Dear WordPress –
About a week ago I was receiving a database error message when using WordPress and Yahoo small business hosting, which has since been resolved by Yahoo.
Since that time our site seems to load very slowly — and in some cases — not at all.
A few days ago the site was down for nearly 24 hours. When we could access the site again, the blog sidebar — with permalinks, registration/login links and other content on the right side of the page — had mysteriously disappeared.
Do you think someone could contact me directly (or provide a suitable Yahoo contact via a reply in this forum) to discuss these issues? I understand that we’re currently paying for the highest level of Yahoo small business hosting services, but our perception of the reliability and performance of the WordPress/Yahoo hosting combination — so far — leaves much to be desired.
Here’s hoping we can resolve the issues as soon as possible.
– Jeffman
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