• I have a few issues that I need help with.

    1.) Registration emails do not work
    2.) Comment emails are not working
    3.) The speed of the blog rendering is not that good
    4.) Yahoo support for WordPress, refers me to wordpress, and wordpress refers me to Yahoo. (not a good support structure)
    5.) RSS feed broke with ITUNES as of 2.2.

    The install was done via Yahoo automated process and for the most part it works with the exception of what I mentioned above.

    I very much like wordpress and perhaps it is the mix of Yahoo and WordPress that isn’t doing to well. I can move it, but my online business is with Yahoo and I am very happy with the store, so I could get some help, I would appreciate it.

    I have had a couple of emails with a Matt Mullenweg:

    His 1st response was, “I forwarded your email to Yahoo”, and there was no follow ups, no ownership of this support item.

    I sent a couple of other emails to Matt , but there was no response, the next email was to the support email address.

    This time Matt had this for a reply:

    > Can I please get some help here?

    What exactly do you want me to do?

    My response to him was –

    Matt –

    I am not sure why it is slow, I am using the hosting services of Yahoo and when I ever I call Yahoo for support they refer me to WordPress, so I am stuck in this circle of support and not making much progress.

    From what I have read in the forums, there are some others that feel that WordPress and Yahoo don’t seem to be a good match. I am not sure…

    If you go to https://andy.gamerscircle.net then go to https://andy.gamerscircle.com

    The .net one is quicker and snappier compared to the .com

    Also, the emails for registration and comments do not work and they work at the .net , so something is not 100%. I am looked and checked online, but I don’t see anything that sticks out.

    I am asking for support, for someone to look into these issues and help out.

    Thanks Matt for the reply.

    Andy Wood

    Matt’s response was –

    “There is nothing I can do to make your site faster, as I’m not your host. Most people have no problems with Yahoo, if you are then I suggest you cancel your account with them. All I can do is forward your feedback, which I’ve already done.”

    So, I am not turning to the WordPress community to see if I can get any help with the issues that I listed above.

    Andy Wood

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  • WordPress and Yahoo do not have a support agreement so matt is correct.
    Yahoo – like just about every host – will insist they do not support 3rd party scripts and that you should go elsewher to get help EVEN THOUGH they yell from the rooftops that they have those scripts.

    Best advice you can get – Move from Yahoo.

    1.) Registration emails do not work
    If they are not being sent that the fault of Yahoo.

    2.) Comment emails are not working
    Yahoo’s fault again.

    3.) The speed of the blog rendering is not that good
    Your page is sticking somehow and will not complete the loading. I have no idea why. Part of the loading for others will be the number and filesize of the images. Optimise them / have less images / reduce posts per page.

    4.) Yahoo support for WordPress, refers me to wordpress, and wordpress refers me to Yahoo. (not a good support structure)
    As I said above – there is no support structure, there is no agreement that we do Yahoo support.

    5.) RSS feed broke with ITUNES as of 2.2.
    2.2 WordPress? Checked the iTunes side of things? Use any plugins?

    And if you can, move away from Yahoo.

    Thread Starter gamerscircle


    I am concerned here – Accoding to WordPress’ own website,

    “We’re committed to helping create a wholesome and hassle-free WordPress hosting environment. If you feel there are issues with one of the hosts listed here, please send a note to [email protected]. If the situation warrants we’ll work with you and the hoster on a solution. “
    I do not understand how the above is going to be achieved when you cannot get support for the product. Doesn’t this damage the name recognition of WordPress which has been built since the days of ‘b2’?

    If WordPress is advising that I move my hosting services away from Yahoo. Which hosting site/service does WordPress have a service level agreement with, so that I will be able to get support where there are similar issues?

    WordPress isn’t advising you – I am in a personal capacity based on the stories we see here. There will – of course – be many satisfied clients of Yahoo but we don’t see them.

    If you feel they have fallen short of what they are seeming to sell, use that feedback link by all means. Hosts have been removed from that page as a result of feedback.

    WordPress has no SLA with anyone.

    There are many threads about Good hosts here and not a single host will provide you with the level of support that we do. They will have their own forums for help but that will be the only help. If they offered it for WP they’d also need to offer it for MT, b2evo, Pivot, Bloxsom etc …

    The problems that are with Yahoo I have detailed above.

    I didn’t really see a difference (in time) accessing both sites, but it is early on a Mother’s Day Sunday ??

    Your .com site looks to have some extra toys (are they widgets?) such as the Gamercard and Flickr–wonder if that can have a performance hit? What different plugins are you using in .com.

    Looks like your .com is using a sub-domain (site.gamerscircle) as well as a subfolder (blog1) for wordpress though don’t know if that should affect performance. (but it is something different than your .net)

    A number of times in this forum, people have reported problems with Yahoo sending registration and comment email because the “From” email address wasn’t from inside the domain.

    Please note that bluehost.com is getting good reviews for their hosting…

    Thread Starter gamerscircle


    Hi there Michael,

    The widgets are just me modifying the sidebar manually.

    I am not entirely sure why yahoo has it setup like that, but each time I try to get any help, they refer me to WP. (sigh) It seems to work though;

    blog – podcast
    blog1 – my blog

    I have seen those entries as well, some of the fixes were to modify the actual scripts (I think) , which I can do, but I am not a PHP or MYSQL coder and just my luck. I will change something and it will impact something else.

    Thanks again for checking out things and trying to help out.

    I see as of today that WP has removed Yahoo from thier list of ‘Hosts’ (sigh)

    Thread Starter gamerscircle


    To close on this, I would like to thank Michael for stating that Bluehost.com was getting better reviews and since I have made the move, so far there has been no issues, installation, setup, modifications, emails for comments and registration has been working out of the box.



    I have a similar problem with my WordPress based site at Yahoo (www.velocitycorvette.com). Occasionally the blog partially loads without applying the CSS style sheet. Other times it performs fine. After spending countless hours trying to optimize the CSS and image sizes, I now suspect this has to do with some kind of caching Yahoo is doing on their end. This is not a Word press problem but a Yahoo problem. Demand they address the issue or move to another host.

    I am very disappointed with Yahoo’s web hosting. I moved to Yahoo for the store but now I am rethinking that decision since the web hosting is so amateur.

    I’ve had numerous problems with my Yahoo! hosted wordpress blog (https://technabob.com). Over the last 2 weeks, I’ve been getting sporadic 500 errors on ALL PHP pages.

    Yahoo has told me in no uncertain terms that they “don’t support PHP”, and it’s frustrating as hell that they claim to offer PHP and WordPress hosting, but refuse to support it when something breaks on the server end of things.

    As is typical of these large companies, Yahoo! says either that they can’t reproduce the problem (that’s why they call it SPORADIC)… or that it must be my code. (Even with a single PHP file that has one line in it “<?php phpinfo() ?> “

    Then, they have this Akamai caching which is actually caching the 500 errors, so some people continue to see the errors long after their server comes back to life.

    I hate how much of a pain that a hosting move will be, but I’m pretty much at the end of my rope.

    I really think that Yahoo! should be removed from the list of recommended hosts. They suck.

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