For displaying dates/times you can have any format you wish (either specifying through shortcode attributes or editing template files) – though there isn’t a ‘unified’ default value which is perhaps needed:
- Page templates use (US-friendly) ‘j F Y g:ia’
- Event admin page & event list Shortcodes/widgets use the WordPress settings
- fullCalendar uses the 24 hour time by default. Can be edited with ‘timeformat’ attribute
- admin Calendar can be switched between 24/12 hour via screen options on that page
Yes, it’s not ideal and needs sorting (preferably defaults being set to the time setting).
Inputting times is a bit more tricky. I don’t want to allow any time format, since it needs to be unambiguous. 02:00 pm is still unambiguous (so 12 hour time would be ok) – but the time setting cannot automatically be used because this can contain *anything*.
For this I would prefer to determine from the time setting whether 12/24 time should be used in the time picker – if only for the user (i.e. internal handling of times is 24 hour time because that’s a lot easier).
So yeah, I hear you, its a mess :). Opening this ticket. If people(s) want to contribute code to this, that would be awesome! – make a pull request!