Hi there,
Thanks for your message. Your message is quite cryptic and is missing a lot of information. I’m guessing you’ve performed a Yara scan and something came up.
Yara scan is a scanner developed for Malware Researchers. If you are a malware researcher, we appreciate that you took the time to scan our code. However we would appreciate a more complete report with your findings that actually explains the issue.
I suspect that your scan flagged the 2 files you’ve mentioned. Both files are part of an external library called Stream Filter. You can find more about this here: https://github.com/clue/stream-filter. One of these files is a readme.md file which doesn’t contain any functions just documentation.
Anyway, there’s not much we can do with this. Please send your the full report with your findings to [email protected] and we’ll investigate it further.
Best Regards,