• Resolved pharmanext



    I keep exploring all the limitless possibilities of your amazing plugin.
    And it really is fantastic! Thanks a lot.

    A deep dive leads to bugs and inconsistencies coming out sooner or later. This is probably due to not fully debugged work relatively rarely used functions of the plugin. That is why I periodically report about it here.

    For a long time I tried to get Filter to work.

    Finally I found out that the issue was in conflict with the YARPP plugin https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/yet-another-related-posts-plugin/.

    If a block with some YARPP shortcode comes before a block with Filter, then Filter doesn’t work.

    An example of a YARPP shortcode:

    [yarpp template="list" limit=10 recent="56 month" post_type="post,glossary" weight='{"title":0, "body":1, "tax":{"category":0, "post_tag":3}}' threshold="1" exclude="3899,38514"]

    To make it work, just move the block with YARPP to the very end in the list of blocks, or put it after the block with Filter.

    P.S. I hasten to clarify, in the PRO version was eliminated limit on the number of characters in the paragraph number field and in the Filter insertions field?

    P.S.S. Please fix the bug on the documentation site. It’s enough to compare output by link https://adinserter.pro/documentation/ad-counting?highlight=filter with output without GET request https://adinserter.pro/documentation/ad-counting.

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