• kimijye


    I’ve been trying for 2 days to set a template for my home page, as distinct from other page templates, but I can’t make that work. I’ve started over several times but nothing works.

    Also, I’ve set up template parts for header and footer, and they look to be in the right positions. But when I view my page, their positions are reversed: the footer is on the top of page and header is on the bottom. I’ve also recreated this a couple of times and the same thing happens.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator jordesign


    Hi @kimijye – this definitely seems like an odd thing. When I check https://lily4boe.com/ I see what looks like a header on the top, immediately followed by a footer on the bottom. Is this the page/URL you’re having the trouble with?

    If you were able to share a screenshot of the template in the editor – that would really help. Or even better, a screencast/video of you making the changes and then switching to the front-end where it isn’t working.

    Thread Starter kimijye


    @jordesign I ended up deleting extraneous elements from the site but really, I’m not sure what exactly I deleted. It was pages, and a bunch of blocks that seemed to have no purpose in the list view of the page. In the end, I did get the home page to work and to register with the front page template.

    The remaining problem I have with that page is that when I replaced columns in the content area with stackable columns and rows, the blocks in the rows do not stack on top of each other on a small screen.

    And I have a question: if I introduce a post query loop on the home page to show blog posts, can I have another post query loop on a separate page which I want to designate as a blog page? In another thread I started you can see about the problems I’m having with creating a ‘blog home page’.

    One more question: can you recommend free software for creating a screencast video.

    Thread Starter kimijye


    OK there’s something definitely wrong going on with this page. When I visit the url lily4boe.com, an incorrect version of the home page shows – and the sidebar shows it’s assigned to ‘default page’.

    But as soon as I click on the list view edit icon, the page fixes itself. It displays correctly with the latest changes I’ve made to it, and the right sidebar shows that it’s assigned to ‘front page’.

    A similar problem is happening with my meet-lily page and blog home page: I can see the correct pages when in edit mode, but I cannot see them when visiting the URL of the page directly.

    I can’t figure out how to upload an image to this thread so here’s a link to a Google doc where I put the screenshots.

    Moderator jordesign


    Hi @kimijye – thanks for those screenshots. One thing i noticed is when you go to edit – you use the ‘Edit Page’ button (which is a logical thing to click).

    It’s possible that some of your design and layout is in the template of your page – rather than the page itself. Could you please try clicking the ‘Edit Site’ button instead (which will open the Site Editor – where you can change the template of that page).

    Thread Starter kimijye


    Thanks @jordesign. I posted screen captures of 3 pages showing me clicking around on them. Yes, I do click on Edit Page when I want to do that and I see that my content might be in my template – which makes me afraid to change the content b/c then I will probably lose anything I’ve created. I haven’t created much but somehow spent about 100 hours doing it so I don’t want to lose anything.

    I’d like to clean up my templates and have them just hold structure, rather than content in the content area. But I don’t understand how to do that. I also don’t exactly understand what you’re suggesting that I do.

    I should say that I have recreated all of my pages a number of times, the home page more than 20 times, trying to follow Wes Theron’s and Sarah Snow’s how-to lessons. But I obviously haven’t followed the instructions well enough b/c I end up with the same misbehaviour.

    Apparently I deleted the meet-lily page, so you can’t see it. So I used that clip to show a list of my pages and templates. The blog page list view shows neither a header nor a footer. And, I’m not sure I named that page correctly.

    I’m sure it would help if I could separate my content from my templates (which are structure). I just don’t know how to do that. If it would help, I could trash the rest of the site and start over again. I would just need to save the front page content blocks I created. Maybe I could contribute them to the block repository and save them that way (I would need to see a tutorial on how to do that)? Is there another way to save them?

    Screen captures are at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TaQguDGNxMafVPwm9la9mPnrrHGLF0pi?usp=sharing . It’s the same location where I put the screenshots, but I renamed the folder.

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by kimijye.
    Moderator jordesign


    Hi @kimijye – thanks for those videos.

    One thing I did notice is that when you’re editing your Home page – is the point where you have the ‘Front Page’ template assigned. With that being the case – could you please check the following for me…

    • Go to Appearance > Editor in your admin menu (which opens the Site/Template editor).
    • Go to Templates and click on ‘Front Page’. You’ll see a preview on the right which I expect (hope) looks like the front-view of your site that users see.
    • If you click the little edit icon next to the template name or in the main preview panel – it will open that template to edit.

    When you do that – do you see the content you expect?


    The other thing that might be going on – when you have the ‘Default’ template selected (in the beginning of the video about the Home page, and also for your other pages) is that the template isn’t set to pull in the specific content from each page.

    We can check that out and try and fix it following these steps:

    • Go to Appearance > Editor in your admin menu (which opens the Site/Template editor).
    • Go to Templates and click on ‘Page’
    • Within that page – you’ll want to make sure there is a ‘Post Content’ block inserted somewhere. This will make sure the content from each page is also included when the page is viewed using this template.

    Post Content Block

    Could you please give that a try and see how it goes?

    Hello jordesign,

    I have created a related topic as you asked me. Here is the link:


    Thanks & best regards

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