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  • Yoast support will be included in next version of visual composer.

    Nice ??

    This is really great news! Do we have an ETA on that?

    The newest version of Visual Composer released this week says it’s compatible with Yoast SEO, but I’m still having the same problem. Anyone else still have the problem? Thanks!

    Yes we are experience compatibility issues between Yoast, Woocommerce and VC. The problem we experience is related to product elements, as VC crashes in the backend when when we update a page that contains product elements. With the error code “woocommerce product loop .php” error something. When we deactivate Yoast or just leave the SEO fields empty everything is working fine. Its a really strange issue that we can’t get our heads around. Anyway, if any of you guys finds a solution to this please drop a note here.



    More news available? Cause working with it fails. Maybe someone has a better option? Should I ditch Yoast SEO or VC?

    I have compatibility issues between Yoast SEO 2.0 and VC 4.4.3 .
    On a page, when I use Yoast SEO on a page created with VC, crazy things happen !!
    For example, the name of the author of the page changes, The header changes as well…


    i am having problems with Yoast Seo and VC for a month now. In my case the VC would not initialize in post’s when Yoast SEO was active. After some research i discovered that the problem is in wp-seo-metabox.min.js where the console returns .qtip is not valid, so! when i removed the bellow code all seem to be working fine, but to be honest i have no idea what this line does nor what else i might have damaged to the SEO plugin itself, so PLEASE DO NOT CONSIDER THIS A VALID SOLUTION. Hopefully if Yoast sees this can help us out have a solid solution to our problem.
    jQuery(document).on(“change”,”#”+wpseoMetaboxL10n.field_prefix+”focuskw”,function(){var a=jQuery(“#focuskwhelp”);-1!=jQuery(“#”+wpseoMetaboxL10n.field_prefix+”focuskw”).val().search(“,”)?(,f=!0):f&&(a.qtip(“hide”),f=!1),yst_updateSnippet()}),jQuery(“.yoast_help”).qtip({content:{attr:”alt”},position:{my:”bottom left”,at:”top center”},style:{tip:{corner:!0},classes:”yoast-qtip qtip-rounded qtip-blue”},show:{when:{event:”mouseover”}},hide:{fixed:!0,when:{event:”mouseout”}}})
    Hope this will help find a faster solution
    Best Regards

    I was able to find another possible solution, which is working for me, as it turns out it might just be a mistype problem.
    Original Script:
    style:{tip:{corner:!0},classes:”yoast-qtip qtip-rounded qtip-blue”},show:{when:{event:”mouseover”}},hide:{fixed:!0,when:{event:”mouseout”}}})});

    style:{qtip:{corner:!0},classes:”yoast-qtip qtip-rounded qtip-blue”},show:{when:{event:”mouseover”}},hide:{fixed:!0,when:{event:”mouseout”}}})});

    Again PLEASE DO NOT CONSIDER THIS A VALID SOLUTION till author verify it.

    Best Regards

    I just wanted to join this thread…I am using a theme called Impreza that uses VC….it works mostly….but, on one of my page the analysis is not updated….it keeps saying I have only 164 words and I have over 300…along with the key word I have implemented about 30 times and it only sees it 3 times. This theme has partnered it’s VC with Brainsorm Force for Ultimate Addons….so, not sure whom the culprit is….but, since other folks are having problems with VC and Yoast I wanted to add my .02cents.

    I have the same problem as olivier83. If SEO plugin is turned off, there is no problem, but if it’s on, data on page don’t load correctly. For example, the author of page is changed, the fields for parameters of theme are nullified etc. More specifically, it seems to load data from another post or page. It is very critical, because if we save incorrectly loaded page, we will permanently lose certain settings.

    Same problem as savicmi and olivier83. Problem occurs when product items are used in VC. When saved and reloaded, VC editor doesn’t load automatically any more and page slug/permalink is changed to slug/ permalink of the embedded product. Strange: depends somehow on embedded product. When using a non existing product id, everything works fine. When testing in our test environment with different products: everything works fine.
    The evil hack from Madous posted 3 days ago didn’t help… Aaaargh..

    Same problem here with Visual Composer (in Strata) en YOAST 2.0.
    Enable WordPress SEO plugin –> Disabled the VC-editor button in pages/posts.

    I have checked this: (scroll to Yoast part)… Did not fix anything.

    wp bakery have said that they are aware of the issue now and it is in queue to be fixed for the 4.5 release of visual composer

    Hi, it’s me again. 4.5 is available, yoast compatibility fixes announced in changelog. Unfortunately: the problem still exists. Yoast 2.1.1.

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