i am having problems with Yoast Seo and VC for a month now. In my case the VC would not initialize in post’s when Yoast SEO was active. After some research i discovered that the problem is in wp-seo-metabox.min.js where the console returns .qtip is not valid, so! when i removed the bellow code all seem to be working fine, but to be honest i have no idea what this line does nor what else i might have damaged to the SEO plugin itself, so PLEASE DO NOT CONSIDER THIS A VALID SOLUTION. Hopefully if Yoast sees this can help us out have a solid solution to our problem.
jQuery(document).on(“change”,”#”+wpseoMetaboxL10n.field_prefix+”focuskw”,function(){var a=jQuery(“#focuskwhelp”);-1!=jQuery(“#”+wpseoMetaboxL10n.field_prefix+”focuskw”).val().search(“,”)?(a.click(),f=!0):f&&(a.qtip(“hide”),f=!1),yst_updateSnippet()}),jQuery(“.yoast_help”).qtip({content:{attr:”alt”},position:{my:”bottom left”,at:”top center”},style:{tip:{corner:!0},classes:”yoast-qtip qtip-rounded qtip-blue”},show:{when:{event:”mouseover”}},hide:{fixed:!0,when:{event:”mouseout”}}})
Hope this will help find a faster solution
Best Regards