• Resolved nekrodomus


    This banner appears in the administration section.

    I understand that you want to add advertising, but this is too intrusive.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • And he answered to all this feedback as:

    That's why Yoast SEO Premium comes without ads, for all users. It's 30% off today and the next few days too :)
    ...we're not going to remove it now.

    Which just confirms my decision of uninstalling the plugin on all websites I manage.

    I was very happy to be informed of this offer ??

    The latest update 12.6.2 was just issued to remove the banner.

    I’m glad the author saw the light and decided to scrap such a horribly flawed idea. Btw, the black ‘x’ in the corner didn’t work for me. Clicking it took me to the special offer. There was no way to dismiss the banner.

    Dear plugin author: Never, ever, ever do this again. I’ll uninstall on all my sites if you do and find an alternative.

    Since you think advertising on the dashboard is ok we’ve deleted your plugin for all our clients. Poof! Good luck with that..

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by opusuno.

    Have reported to the plugins team at [email protected], would encourage others to do the same. This sets a sad precedence for WordPress nags!

    Seems to be in breach of section 11 of the plugin guidelines:

    Plugins@ are aware, got the following back.
    “It’s already been removed and we’ve already talked to Yoast about this.

    By the letter of the law, it complied with the guidelines by being permanently dismissable. We are aware of the feelings of many people about how it violates the spirit of the guidelines and are discussing ways we could fairly and evenly enforce a change without causing undue work to the review team.”

    Believe Yoast have now updated the plugin to remove the advert.

    function vnmFunc_removeYoastAds() {
    	WPSEO_Options::set('bf_banner_2019_dismissed', true);
    add_action('admin_init', 'vnmFunc_removeYoastAds');

    Or just use another plugin like i am gonna do ! I do not want such intrusive crap in my admin area. Bye bye yoast seo plugin !

    I work hard to teach my clients to update their sites. They were just forced to do two updates — one to ADD the banner and one to REMOVE the banner. Thanks yoast for making my clients much less likely to take their updates seriously.

    And yes, using a different plugin is becoming a necessity. So frustrating!

    There are so many frustrating sides to this situation, and the issue has been magnified by the PR spin we’re receiving in response to (what sounds like) a well-expected response to an egregious marketing decision.

    To start, it’s frustrating that me and my clients (whom my name is on the line for, having recommended Yoast) are being forced to play Duck Hunt when we login to our WP Dashboard.

    But it’s incredibly frustrating that the Developer Guidelines are being co-opted as “guidelines, not rigid rules” in order to side-step responsibility.

    Here are some relevant snippets from the Guidelines:

    • From the first sentence of Developer Expectations: “all users who officially support a plugin are expected to abide by the Directory Guidelines.”
    • From #7: Documentation on how any user data is collected, and used, should be included in the plugin’s readme, preferably with a clearly stated privacy policy.”
    • From #11: “Users prefer and expect plugins to feel like part of WordPress. Constant nags and overwhelming the admin dashboard with unnecessary alerts detract from this experience.”
    • From #11: “Advertising within the WordPress dashboard should be avoided, as it is generally ineffective.”
    • From #11: “Remember: tracking referrals via those ads is not permitted (see guideline 7) and most third-party systems do not permit back-end advertisements.”
    • From #11: “Remember: tracking referrals via those ads is not permitted (see guideline 7) and most third-party systems do not permit back-end advertisements.”
    • From #7: “In the interest of protecting user privacy, plugins may not contact external servers without explicit and authorized consent.

    I’m not here to split hairs over the definition of the word ‘guideline’, and/or ‘explicit consent’; if you’re willing to die on that hill, so be it. Not me.

    The deeper issue is one of the ‘unwritten, but understood’ rules of Open-Source Software: Product comes first. Every time.

    Decisions like the banner tell us the current hierarchy at Yoast HQ is marketing first, product after; without a re-structure (ie. internal decision-making changes so product, developers, and WordPress ecosystem come first, and the sales & marketing come after), and with the addition of intrusive banners, the plugin would lose its value for me.

    And therein lies the problem; I have zero faith the same management team green-lighting forced Casino-style banner ads with difficult-to-click close buttons (“Oops! teehee, sorry peeps! We’re working on making it easier to opt out; here’s a workaround buried in the comments section of one of our support tickets!” doesn’t cut it); the same management team asking support staff to push back on well-predicted complaints from the community regarding obtrusive advertising, are in the right headspace to restructure their business in a direction that will decrease revenue in the short term (short term only, of course, but short-term decision-making is how they got themselves here in the first place). And that lack of faith gives me a sinking feeling.

    Yoast’s SEO plugin has shifted in direction from becoming “bloaty, but more colourful and bubbly” to becoming a free advertising siphon: “Just add a straw and suck!”

    For years, I’ve touted it as the single-most important plugin for any WordPress website to have… but there’s no way I can do that in good conscience now. Even if you right this wrong, change your tune, and back-peddle out of this successfully… The plugin’s trajectory has been tipped.

    It won’t get better, it will get worse.

    And so today I’ll frustratingly, and resentfully start moving all installs under my supervision away from Yoast’s SEO plugin. But (a) the decisions which leads to green lighting the banner, and (b) the response to the community’s complaints tell me everything I need to know about the next 2-5 years of Yoast SEO. It’s been a slice.

    I don’t like it at all. If not a violation, it is certainly an abuse of the plugin guidelines. I migrate to The SEO Framework.

    Goodbye Yoast!

    Please don’t do that again, really!

    If there was ever a small chance I was going to get Yoast premium there is now zero chance. I’m actually thinking of getting rid of Yoast entirely because I am already a qualified English teacher. I’ve been using Yoast because I’m famous for being lazy. That’s going to change now.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Sean.

    @devc – perfectly summed up.

    Yep, have started the long process of deleting Toast from every site we have, it might take a while, but should be worth it.

    Plugin Support Jerlyn


    We sincerely apologize! We heard your feedback and it is well received. That is why we removed the banner completely in version 12.6.2 which we released on Black Friday, the 29th of November.

    Our CEO also tweeted a heartfelt public apology which you can find at https://twitter.com/MariekeRakt/status/1200077958700044290.

    We promise we’ll do better in the future.

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