tsdbm: If you use WPML, please update WPML to the 4.1 version released yesterday.
If you use WordPress 4.8.x, there is an open bug report here. Please either update to WordPress 4.9.8 or roll back to Yoast SEO 9.1 while our developer investigate the bug report.
erinsbwp: Please let me know if the issue remains after upgrading WP.
Everyone else: I’m marking this as resolved since the issue is fixed for WPML users (upgrade WPML to 4.1) and a bug report is open for non-WPML with older WordPress versions. If you do not use WPML and have WordPress 4.9.8, please open a new request. That way it’s easier to track issues and provide assistance. Thanks!
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by