We’re sorry to hear that you’re having an issue with installing the plugin on your website properly. That must have been disconcerting. Let’s get to the bottom of what’s going on here. The issue occurs when the plugin is already installed, if a file is missing or corrupt, or if you have renamed the wp-content folder or the wp-content/plugins folder.
Few suggestions:
Option 1: Replace current version with uploaded version (requires WordPress 5.5 or higher)
This method is similar to the original installation steps. When you see the warning that the plugin is already installed, please click the ‘Replace current with uploaded’ button to complete the manual update.
This does not remove any plugin files and instead replaces or adds files from the uploaded zip file. While this is the fastest way to manually update, it may use more space on your server; especially if you are changing versions. Having extra copies of files may cause unexpected behavior so if the original issue you reported remains, please try another option below.
Option 2: Uninstall and Reinstall
This method will remove all plugin files and install a freshly downloaded copy. As you are removing and uploading a new copy, you will have a clean install of the plugin. Please follow the steps to uninstall the plugin before you install the latest version. You can download the latest version?here.
Option 3: Via S/FTP or File Manager
This method entails deleting the old plugin files and uploading the new plugin files to the same folder path. We have a step by step guide to help you through the process.?How can I manually update my plugin? If you are unfamiliar with using FTP, your web host may be able to help.`