We’re sorry you’re having trouble with the Yoast SEO panel position being moved to sidebar. I imagine this can be frustrating for you. We’d like to look a closer look.
There is also an ‘issue’ with Gutenberg where the meta boxes under the content can be pushed to the sidebar, sometimes accidentally. In short, the under content and sidebar list of boxes appear to be a single list.
Luckily, you can drag and drop the meta boxes between the sidebar and under the content. Additionally, you can use the up/down arrows (image) to move between the sidebar and under content areas. In some cases, you may need to have at least one meta box available to move the boxes between the two areas.
Screenshot: https://pasteboard.co/JpHnJRw.png (see below for more details)
– Make sure you are in the correct sidebar. The gear icon (1) should be selected and you should be in the ‘Document’ (2) section.
– Make sure you move the correct panel. The top ‘Yoast SEO’ (3) panel cannot be moved. Scroll down and look for the second ‘Yoast SEO’ (4) with the up/down arrows.
– You can do this under the kebab (three dot) menu (5) > Options.
– Be patient. It may take a little trial and error to determine which option works best for you.