• Resolved steveraven


    At the top of this thread, is a ‘Catch-All’ post by the author explaining that no-one will reply due to them being busy elsewhere.

    Quite frankly, this is ludicrous – and the threads from people needing a quick solution go on – and on – and on.

    Yes I know they have a premium version of their plugin, but seeing how their customers get treated here, would you really go for it? And get redirected to an obscure post in Github for your out of date solution?

    Pull your fingers out Yoast, and smell the coffee!

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  • Plugin Support Taco Verdonschot


    Hi @steveraven,

    I’m sorry to hear that you feel that we’re not treating our customers well. That’s not the message we wanted to convey with the sticky post. Our goal there was to make sure that your expectations are right when you leave a message on these forums. We want you to know that we have to care about our paying customers, before we can spend time here. We’ve explained that in detail in this post.

    However, there are several ways in which we help you reach your goals. Let me show a few examples.

    Yoast Knowledge Base
    https://kb.yoast.com, the Yoast Knowledge Base, offers you answers to questions about both free and premium Yoast plugins. The knowledge base is maintained on a daily basis by the Yoast Support Team.

    Help center
    Since Yoast SEO 3.2, every admin page and the Yoast meta box has its own Help Center. This contains a video to help you understand what’s happening on that page. You can learn more about the help center in this post on yoast.com.

    But, I have to admit that you’re right about the sticky post. It needs updating. I hereby promise you that we’ll do that really soon.

    Oh and before I forget, is there a problem we can help you with?


    Thread Starter steveraven


    There is indeed – posted around two days ago.

    In titles and metas:

    No matter what I put into the title description, whether that be %title%, %title% %category title%, or wipe it completely, the index comes back with %title%, %page title% %blog title%.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thread Starter steveraven


    There is indeed – posted around two days ago.

    In titles and metas:

    No matter what I put into the title description, whether that be %title%, %title% %category title%, or wipe it completely, the index comes back with %title%, %page title% %blog title%.

    What am I doing wrong?



    Perhaps indicate

    a) exactly which panel box you’re putting the code into
    b) put here exact example of what code you’re using, wrap it in code here so it does not break
    c) check you do not have an SEO panel in your theme conflicting with Yoast SEO

    Just as general comment, I’ve gotten great response from Yoast support with premium versions. ??

    Since so many issues are user error, they do a great job of “trying” to help folks sort out what might be wrong beyond an actual bug that can be verified and reported on the git repo.

    Thread Starter steveraven


    After following a thread that explains how to avoid this problem posted elsewhere, and finding that its utter drivel due to a minimal explanation from the post author, I’ve gone over to All In One SEO, which sorts all of my problems with no playing ‘catch me if you can’.

    Plugin Contributor Joost de Valk


    Hey @steveraven,

    I’ve just updated the sticky post, as @tacoverdo promised above. Sorry to hear you’re having issues, but I still don’t fully understand what’s going wrong, to be honest. However, I do see you’ve switched to AIOSEO. I think our plugin is better (you didn’t expect that, did you? ?? ), but if you’re happy with that, we can just close this thread?

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