• hi there,
    great plugin, so well-thought out!

    but keep getting this “You are using an unsupported browser. Some features may not work correctly. Upgrade to a modern browser, such as Google Chrome.Dismiss” notice, even tho i’m using the latest chrome on win7. same thing happens on latest Mac Chrome… clearing data/cookies has no effect.

    would be a HUGE addition if we could chose to display a thumbnail of the fist page pdf that links to the larger external PDF viewer page… i know there’s code like this to do something like that – but native support for this would be GREAT when displaying lots of PDFs…

    currently too many pdfs all loading at the same time on a page are slowing the connection/browser way down…



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  • sank,

    That error message comes from Google, whom you would presume would be smart enough to recognize their own browser… I’m wondering if you might have any plugin or extension installed that might be altering your user agent string. I sometimes use one while testing my sites. Otherwise if you could provide a link as an example maybe I can give more direction. Certainly that isn’t normal behavior and I’ve not seen it elsewhere or heard similar reports from others.

    As to thumbnails, I had planned to offer just that very feature in the next major version of GDE. I have been discouraged by this because of the relative instability of Google’s viewer. I spend so much time working through quirks and maintenance such as this that I fear new development will be fragile and will require a lot more time to support. Google may eventually choose to end this service altogether, though I hope not, they certainly have a history of abandoning announced and heavily used product offerings.

    In the meantime you can provide this yourself with a little bit of “grunt work” – rather than create a manual link to GDE as you linked above, create an image tag linking to the viewer directly like so:

    <img src="https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=https://mysite/mydoc.pdf?a=bi&pagenumber=1" height=XX width=XX>

    where obviously you replace the bogus document link with your own, set real height and width values, and you can set the pagenumber value to whatever page you want to show a thumbnail of. The other parameters must remain intact.

    Hope this helps.


    Thread Starter sank


    hi Kevin,
    thanks for all your hard work on this! i know how it feels to be at the mercy of an outfit like GGL…

    I tried out the img thumb code but it doesn’t work, am i missing something? also, how would i link that thumb to the full-page viewer?
    here’s a page: https://davestringer.com/__wp/media/album-reviews/

    finally, not sure what you mean by “plugin or extension installed that might be altering your user agent string” – i do have WP No Category Base to hide the wp site in a folder until ready to go live on the TLD….


    Hi sank,

    Sorry, I may not have understood you entirely the first time. If you want to link to the full screen viewer, then following the directions in the link you provided should work. The image tag I left was simply for a thumbnail of a page. If you wrap that in a link as described in your first post then you should end up with a clickable image of the first page (or whatever page you choose) that goes to the full screen viewer. Here is a complete example using the first page of the first document on the link you provided:

    <a href="https://davestringer.com/__wp/wp-content/plugins/google-document-embedder/view.php?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdavestringer.com%2F__wp%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F08%2FJapa-Reviews.pdf&hl=&gpid=1&chrome=true"><img src="https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=https://davestringer.com/__wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Japa-Reviews.pdf&a=bi&pagenumber=1"></a>

    I think the problem with the “unsupported browser” message may be related to other items being inserted into the viewer, presumably by other plugins. When I view the source of the viewer on your site there is code at the bottom that isn’t coming from either GDE or Google, but it appears “photocrati” and “lbg-audio1-html5” and perhaps others. There are multiple jquery references at the bottom of the page as well, and those aren’t coming from GDE or Google either, but probably another plugin (maybe one of those I’ve already listed). The inclusion of this junk code is resulting in javascript errors in the browser, however if you only want to hide that message you can add a line to your style sheet you’re using for GDE.

    .docs-butterbar-container { display: none; }

    There may be other issues with leaving that code in there, though. Those plugins appear to be “leaky” as they are adding code to pages they do not own.

    Thread Starter sank


    wow! thanks for all the great tips ??



    I am having the same problem with GDE, getting the message:

    “You are using an unsupported browser. Some features may not work correctly. Upgrade to a modern browser, such as Google Chrome.Dismiss”

    regardless of which browser is used. I was hoping your workaround of adding a line to style sheet might solve the problem but so far have not had any luck. Can you be more precise as to where to find the relevant style sheet?



    Hi aenea,

    I can do one better; GDE 2.6 (which I’m still testing) contains a better fix for this that doesn’t require a style edit. If you contact me via the Support tab in GDE Settings and link me to this thread so I know what the issue is, I can email you a private build of GDE 2.5.12 that contains just this fix. Or you can wait for the next update to appear in your plugins list.



    Thread Starter sank


    I was able to remove this in the Plugin files on “view.php”

    // mode-specific styles
    	if ( $mode == "chrome" ) {
    		// remove branding elements
    		$newstyles[] = '
    		.docs-butterbar-wrap {display:none !important;}

    – but, now this is OT, but BIGGEST issue with Google Docs is the thumbs dont appear on Safari at all… this seems to be a security/webkit malfunction?



    Hi Kevin

    Many thanks for sending me the private build. It has fixed my problem – the ‘Unsupported browser’ warning message no longer appears.


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