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  • Cais, yes. That was done when I installed MAMP long ago. This issue is with the plugin-not our setups. I’ve now confirmed the same issue on Windows and OS X using Chrome, Safari, and IE when running a site locally-no multisite. Sounds like you need to check the detection script you’re using to determine if Flash/HTML5/Silverlight and such is installed. Regardless of any user’s setup, your detection script should know when I’m running an HTML5 compliant browser.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    James – Re-mapping localhost:8888 to localhost was seeing some successes in similar situations but does not work in every case.

    Sorting out local installation issues are very difficult, especially when we are not able to recreate them ourselves from the information we have generally been provided.

    You are more than welcome to submit a Bug Report ( with the full specifics of your installation and we can try to mimic it for testing but unfortunately that is all we are able to offer at this time.

    We do understand how frustrating it can be to not have a local environment to test with, as well, and would like to get this sorted out as soon as we can for those users and developers that prefer working locally when testing, etc.


    – Cais.

    I have two sites with nextgen gallery with the same host (natan)

    with the first also disabling all plugins I have the same error with IE not make the upload,no errors with firefox
    with the second I have no fault with both IE and firefox

    – I do not have settings multisite

    I tried to follow the recommended procedure:

    disable all browser extensions
    – Reinstalling flash on your computer > restart computer and reload browser & your site
    – Temporarily switching to WordPress default theme > clear browser cache & reload your site
    – Deactivate all plugins (including NextGEN Gallery) > clear browser cache > re-activate NextGEN Gallery only & reload your site

    Hi, fresh new install on a fresh new blog = 2 errors

    1 – add images = You browser doesn’t have Flash, Silverlight, HTML5, or HTML4 support.
    2 – overview = (Yon don’t have enough privilege access) (plus their is a URL dismatch)

    I use Mac / Chrome, every latest updates are done.

    I had the same issue. Normal install, no multisite. Running a custom theme. It turned out that the theme had dequeued the photocrati_ajax script.

    Check your functions.php and comment out:


    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    All – First, please post your own topic for an issue you are experiencing on your own site.

    Second, you are welcome to submit a Bug Report ( with your site specifics so we can try to help you sort out your particular issue.


    – Cais.

    PS: @caratage, thanks for that tip … and I am curious which theme it is that is purposely using wp_dequeue_script('photocrati_ajax');. Send us a note on our contact form, if you prefer not to note it here.

    It’s my own theme (not publicly available) where I dequeued scripts for testing and optimisation purposes and then forgot to enqueue it again.

    Just thought that the issue might be related to problems loading photocrati_ajax from admin.php as it is the case as soon you dequeue the script…

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @caratage – Thanks, that makes perfect sense to use that sort of process when testing.

    – Cais.

    I would like to know if anyone has solved the error:
    “You browser doesn’t have Flash, Silverlight, HTML5, or HTML4 support”

    No, I’ve found no solution. I think it’s an issue related to a problem with the Plupload plugin, but I can’t solve it.

    It seems that some scripts are not loaded, like plupload. I can’t understand why in localhost everything works and when i put my theme online some scripts are not loaded. I’ve tried forcing my theme to load plupload plugin enqueuing the script in the functions.php of my theme, and something seems to work better: now i can see the graphic interface correctly, but the error message “You browser doesn’t have Flash, Silverlight, HTML5, or HTML4 support” still remains.

    Now it works: enqueue your own copy of jquery-ui and plupload in functions.php. You maybe also need to comment out this line of code:




    Maybe the problem is related to the php DOCUMET_ROOT variable. On my machine (unix) everything works, on the online server (windows) it throws the error

    Notice: Undefined index: DOCUMENT_ROOT in ********\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-gallery\products\photocrati_nextgen\modules\fs\class.fs.php on line 36

    I’ve edited that function and the error is not displaying anymore. Now my function initialize() is this one:

    function initialize()
            // let's make sure the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] variable is set
            if(!isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])){ if(isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])){
            $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = str_replace( '\\', '/', substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, 0-strlen($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])));
            }; };
            if(!isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])){ if(isset($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'])){
            $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = str_replace( '\\', '/', substr(str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']), 0, 0-strlen($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])));
            }; };
            $this->_document_root = $this->set_document_root($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);

    @filippo tasca

    I have overwritten all the files and wordpress plugins nextgen gallery. The message “You browser doesn’t have Flash, Silverlight, HTML5, or HTML4 support” not displayed. When do I upload pictures unfortunately not successful whit IE 8, with firefox the upload is successful

    I have tested it with chrome and seems to work (as in firefox). I’m working on a Mac OSX, so I can’t test IE!



    Just experienced this in latest version of chrome. Nextgen version 2.0.40 with WordPress 3.9-alpha-27234

    Tried deactivating and reactivating plugins, latest version of flash installed etc. and still no joy.

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