• I have a WP Multisite, where I am the super-admin of the Network and the only admin (also super-admin) of this particular site.

    Everything is working fine, but whenever I try to edit/add Navigation menu, it keeps giving this error you do not have permission to create Navigation Menus

    I have checked database, the wp_capabilities in wp_usermeta are a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";} which I checked should be for the admins. The value is also 10 in wp_user_level column.

    What else can I do/check in order to change the Navigation Menu? Thanks in advance.

    I have exactly the same issue with https://www.360trips.pk which has different plugins and hosting.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I have this exact same issue. Started today after reinstalling wp

    Following – I have the same issue.

    Same here; I recently reinstalled WP 5.9.3 on one of the sites (I have 2 test sites/domains). It’s not stopping me from adding page links to the existing menus as I create new pages (though I imagine I could add any link, a links a link). However, while I can add a new navigation menu, there’s no way to add items. And on my actual live site – on a better hosting provider – WP 5.9.3 is working fine, can edit and create menus, no error messages. All sites are using Twenty Twenty-Two theme.

    I’m on Infinity Free hosting,, but it’s running PHP 7. I wonder if it’s the hosting causing it.

    My infinityfree test sites are on PHP ver 7.4.8. My live site – the one that’s fully functional – in on PHP ver 7.4.29. Maybe a clue? I’m using the 2022 theme on all the sites, since I just started using WP to create content for the first time 2 days ago.

    Found a workaround: When I click on the ‘plus’ sign for the block, I select “Page link” in the pop up window; when I do, the resulting pop up has a list of all my published pages. I select the page I want to add to the menu and Voila! – it’s added to the nav menu.

    It’s annoying, but it works so far. I still get the “no permission” message if I’m in the List View and I click on the Navigation block or any of the links under it. The developers ought to investigate this, sounds like PHP ver 7.4.8 is breaking the functionality of something; like the theme or the editor. After I reheat my morning coffee, I’ll track down how to contact the right dev teams(s).

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by riverrock042.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by riverrock042.

    I’m having this same issue. Everything was working fine until I made a change to the existing menu through the Menu section under Appearance. Then when I return to the Editor(beta) the message comes up that the menu has been deleted or unavailable and that I do not have permission to make changes, changes will not be saved. Hope this is fixed in the next wp version. If there is a way to work around this please let me know.

    I experienced the same issue after using the Appearance > Menus page to add a new link to my menu. You would think that if it showed your current menu in that page and also let you edit it, that it would work properly. And you would be wrong….

    I figured I’d try to just remove the new link I added and after I did that and refreshed everything, my menus showed back up in the full site editor(beta) again.

    They should either grey that page/link out when using a block theme, or at least give a warning and confirmation message after using that page to edit existing menus, explaining the ramifications.

    Hope this helps someone.

    Same problem here!

    I sent an email to the support of the hosting and I’m waiting for a response.

    If I cannot add or modify a menu, how can I build and maintain a website?

    My local version of the site it worked well, the problems are in the hosted version.
    Is it a problem of the hosting?

    It’s incredible to see that this problem has not yet been fixed yet.

    I had the same problem, trying to create a navigation menu and then got the message in corner about not having permissions to create new navigation menus

    i didn’t what to pass trough redo the most part of a project just because of a navigation, what i’ve done to contour the problem and recreate those links.

    in editor mode “beta” gutenberg
    select – models
    select – any type of any page you whould like just to preview your menu
    in page you selected, add an header and choose default header
    then go to model parts and you will see the default header appeared, open that header and place the navigation block and change the links as you would like.

    i hope help someone on this thread
    much regards!

    1st time solving a gutenberg issue
    and sorry for any english mistakes

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by joaoppr94.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by joaoppr94.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by joaoppr94.


    I am currently struggling through this same issue right now.
    @joaoppr94 please can you tell me where I find ‘Models’ to try your method around this?

    Many thanks


    I had the same issue with my multisite and Twenty Twenty-two.
    Now I believe I have found the origin of the problem and a solution.
    The problem : WordPress does not allow a user with the role of super-administrator to create or modify the navigation of the sites. Why not ?
    The solution that works for me : I have created a different user with the role of administrator, and this user can create and modify the navigation.

    I have this issue too ??
    I am administrator (cant see any super administrator option)
    I’m new to WP so lost
    The Navigator will only list 4 pages, if I add another page it is automatically added to the nav block, but the last one drops out

    Hi all,

    Just to let you know that I had to scrap the initial website that I had started with all the plugins etc and start from scratch. It seems to be working now.


    Noted the same here after adding and manipulating some wordpress.com full site editor plugin and now going to Appearance>>(“Menu” is missing on the list here!)

    This sounds related to this Gutenberg issue I reported back in September.

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