• I have recently started having issues with this plugin. I have an event set up with two registration options. 1 registration option with a fee and one registration option that is free. I have both items set up REG. The registration dates are active. The plugin and wordpress is up to date. I’ve tried registering in multiple browsers and neither option works. It just refreshes the page and tells me You must select at least one item.

    This seems to be a common issue with this plugin from the looks of a quick Google search to try to solve this problem. Is there a fix to this problem? I really like the set up of this plugin and would love to continue using it, but people have to be able to actually register for the events.


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  • If you have htaccess files for security in your wp-content folder I have seen issues. The problem was that access was blocked for .js.php files. Let me know if you have htaccess files and we can see if that is the issue.

    If you have these files, make sure to post them or a way for me to see them.

    Hello –
    I am also having this issue. There is not .htacess file in the wp-content folder.

    There is not .htacess file in the wp-content folder.

    Are you running any security plugins?

    I am not. I actually got this figured out but now am having the issue that only 3 events will display. Any advice?

    I know that if your registration payment date is in the future it will not display everywhere.

    I have run into this same issue. Not sure how an .htaccess file could be related to this issue. Let me clarify:

    I have two dropdowns added to one of our events. One is for signing up for the class and the other is for an OPTION of signing up to get certified in that class as well. Obviously some people will want to just do the class and others will want the certification as well. The FEE dropdowns DO work, but the way the plugin is set up now, you apparently MUST select something in BOTH of them. You cannot leave one of them as the default selection of 0.

    This would be solved easily by an option in the plugin when creating FEES to say “Is a selection required for this fee? YES | NO”. Alternately, you could just make it so the plugin accepts the default selection of 0.

    Note I am using version 6.00.31 currently. Would simply updating to the most current version resolve this?


    Your issue is not the standard “select one” issue. When I mentioned the htaccess it was because the files I use were not allowing access to a .js.php file and I need to make an exception because the calculation are in a .js.php file.

    OK, but how do you recommend I address my issue?


    Make sure that the second (optional) item is not a REG type and it will work.

    AH!! That resolved it!

    You might want to have something explaining that in the documentation for anyone else who runs into this scenario.



    Hopefully the developers see this and list it somewhere. I’m just a user of this plugin.

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