You must set WP_CACHE and WPCACHEHOME in your wp-config.php for this plugin…
Symptom. The following message emits, even when WP_CACHE and WPCACHEHOME in wp-config.php are both correctly set.
You must set WP_CACHE and WPCACHEHOME in your wp-config.php for this plugin to work correctly
If opcache.validate_timestamps=0 somehow the file…
Seems to get complied in such a way that wpsc_deep_replace() becomes undefined.
Unsure how this can happen.
The net effect is, when the definition check for wpsc_deep_replace() occurs in…
fails, WP Super Cache can’t install, which is the correct behavior.
Maybe at some point in the deactivation sequence wp-cache-phase1.php content changes or is zeroed out. Unsure.
Anyway, disabling Opcache works.
Also running with validate_timestamps enabled works after revalidate_freq changes, so if this value is high… like say a minute… then reinstall will fail + then magically start working after revalidate_freq expires + validate_timestamps fires + new wp-cache-phase1.php file contents are read + compiled.
This one had me scratching my head for a good while.
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