• Just installed ver 2.5 on RHEL 5. I confirmed everything is isntalled (php,mysql and apache). But i get the following when loading the install script:


    Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required.

    I followed all the instructions on creating the DB etc and It all seemed to go through without a hitch. There was mention to put in a line on php.ini extension=mysql.so but that has not fixed it either.

    Can someone help, I have tried everything that has come up in google.

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  • I have to use the Windows version on Godaddy for my website because of one of the database features.

    Am I just out of luck?

    Hi matteocv,

    You’re not out of luck because Windows IIS 7 hosting accounts support PHP. For more on Windows Hosting PHP support, see this help article:


    Alicia R.
    Go Daddy Hosting



    Fellow XP with PHP 5’ers, the key (I found) was in those flipping dll’s. After going through every conf file and rechecking locations and file placement, I began by copying the msql.dll from /PHP to Windows32 which was a no go. Then through above posts, I realized there is ALSO a php_mysql in /PHP/ext. Very nice. So I pulled out the shotgun, copied the 4 dll’s that contained ‘sql’ from ext and pasted them all into BOTH /PHP and Windows32. Bingo, got the critter.

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