Hi @irina1975,
I took a look at your example page and wanted to address as many of your concerns as possible. This may be a bit lengthy but hopefully answers everything.
(A) Portfolio Issues
1. Huge Left & Right Indents. Left and right indents are because the items are center aligned and no more items can be fit into the current row.
2. Not done in two rows. The template makes as many rows as neccessary to display all items.
3. Making squares smaller doesn’t help. Portfolio template specifically tries to maintain the original thumbnail size set in the admin.
Solution: Custom CSS
/* This media query only allows these styles to be applied on a screen with a width smaller than or equal to 480px */
@media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
.foogallery.fg-simple_portfolio .fg-item {
/* Change the gutter size */
margin: 10px !important;
/* Change the width so two columns are displayed.
The 20px value is the gutter multiplied by 2 as it is
displayed on the left and right of the item. */
width: calc(50% - 20px) !important;
min-width: calc(50% - 20px) !important;
max-width: calc(50% - 20px) !important;
In the above CSS you may want to adjust the 480px width to whatever you may deem to be a mobile appropriate size. The two column layout will only be applied when the screen is smaller than or equal to this value.
(B) Masonry Issues
1. The bottom is not even. This is simply how Masonry works. It is designed to be displayed with multiple rows of items with the next row interlocking into the bottom of the previous “filling” the gaps.
Solution: None – This is simply how it works.
(C) Tablet Landscape Image
The gallery itself is set to use 100% width of whatever element it is placed into. In the screenshot you provided yes, the template is responsible for a little bit of the left and right indent but the majority of it is your content wrapper limiting the available width.
Solution: Custom CSS – You would need to adjust your themes content wrapper to allow the gallery to use more of the page width.
(D) Mobile Portrait Image
See the first response regarding the Portfolio template and it’s solution. That solution should also resolve the issue displayed here.