• Suddenly, all my blogs (self-hosted .com domains) have this message:

    “Your WordPress.com account is not authorized to view the stats of this blog”

    Stats have been working fine until suddenly today – no more stats.

    This is for blogs where I have upgraded to 3.1 and for some I have not.

    What can I do to fix this?

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  • Jetpack. Why is my wallet feeling warm?
    Why did I just suddenly think about Drupal?

    Stats back up but with pages ID’s instead of Titles after things broke. Glad someone is working on clearing out the tubes, danka!

    Update: stats is back with jet pack BUT times are wrong – new day started 4 hours early…?…

    Okay, great. Now i am having problem with Jetpack with the TIMESTAMP problem and i have uninstalled entirely Jetpack and install back with the WP-stat plugin. The stat is working BUT it wont show out the Top post and most active at the moment. At last, some progression and resolution!

    right now i have a new problem
    after reinstall the stat, now i cant used my api key, it said:

    Error from last API Key attempt:

    The owner of that API Key (xxxxxxxxxx) is not on the access list for this blog (xxxxxxxxxx). Stats was installed using a different API key. The owner of the original key can add users to the access list, or you can contact WordPress.com support.

    The API key “xxxxxxxxxx” belongs to the WordPress.com account “xxxxxxxxxx”. If you want to use a different account, please enter the correct API key.

    Note: the API key you use determines who will be registered as the “owner” of this blog in the WordPress.com database. Please choose your key accordingly. Do not use a temporary key.

    Add blog to WordPress.com account

    This blog will be added to your WordPress.com account. You will be able to allow other WordPress.com users to see your stats if you like.

    does anyone know how to resolve this problem?
    im need a help here


    it is fixed now! yey!


    Mine not fixed yet.

    Installing Jetpack is NOT a solution. I’d like to know when this issue is going to be resolved by WordPress.com.

    Or, indeed, by www.ads-software.com



    Same problem here, saw that api key error, Now the error gone but my stats are not shown properly. And my self-hosted address(https://www.kavkisfile.com/key/wp-admin/) turned to a weird address- https://stats.wordpress.com/wp-admin/

    Also it’s showing different stats at different time. Few minutes ago I saw 900 views, now it’s showing me 2100 views!

    How to fix!?

    I’m having the same problem. Just to let you know that you are not alone. Sorry for this useless post. ??

    It seems that all my external blogs are disconnected from my wordpress.com account. I can only find my (name).wordpress.com blogs.

    Still not working for me, too!
    After the update yesterday I get an shoter message that says: “Your WordPress.com account, *** is not authorized to view the stats of this blog.”

    Yes mine changed into a shorter message too. It seems work is in progress. After 24 hours no stats and no updates from WordPress.

    Still broken for me and I’m just getting the shorter message.

    I think they are replacing the WordPress.com Stats with JetPack. I looked up JetPack and here is what the description says in it:

    “Simple, concise stats with no additional load on your server. Previously provided by WordPress.com Stats.”

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