My plugin is
…and this only seems to be a problem when there are known threats (infected files) on the user’s site and they try to clean them using the Automatic fix feature in my plugin.
The form that my plugin posts should look something like this:
<form method="POST" action="/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?GOTMLS_mt=[MD5_HASH]&page=GOTMLS-settings" target="GOTMLS_iFrame" name="GOTMLS_Form_clean"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="GOTMLS_fix"><input type="hidden" id="GOTMLS_fixing" name="GOTMLS_fixing" value="1"><input type="hidden" name="GOTMLS_mt" value="[MD5_HASH]"><input type="hidden" name="scan_type" value="Complete Scan"><input type="hidden" name="check[]" value="db_scan"><input type="hidden" name="check[]" value="htaccess"><input type="hidden" name="check[]" value="timthumb"><input type="hidden" name="check[]" value="known"><input type="hidden" name="check[]" value="wp_core"><input type="hidden" name="scan_what" value="0"><input type="hidden" name="scan_depth" value="-1"><input type="hidden" name="exclude_ext" value="png,jpg,jpeg,gif,bmp,tif,tiff,psd,svg,webp,doc,docx,ttf,fla,flv,mov,mp3,pdf,css,pot,po,mo,so,exe,zip,7z,gz,rar"><input type="hidden" name="exclude_dir" value="">
<input type="checkbox" name="GOTMLS_fix[]" value="[BASE64_HASH]" checked="known">
… but several clients that use both of our plugins together report that they receive the response
{“success”:false,”message”:”Please enter a message.”}
when submitting this form unless they deactivate your plugin.
I have looked at your code and it does appear that your intention is to only respond if support_mwp_message is passed …
if (!isset($request->request['support_mwp_message']) || !is_scalar($request->request['support_mwp_message'])) {
… and yet somehow this code on line 205 of /src/MWP/EventListener/PublicRequest/BrandContactSupport.php in your plugin does execute on these user’s sites instead of my action hook’s response.
I have been unable to recreate this issue on any of my test sites because I don’t know what conditions would have your plugin activating the enableContactSupport function in you plugin which must be inadvertently adding this support_mwp_message value to the post or at least somehow creating the empty scalar value $request->request[‘support_mwp_message’] which slips through your conditions and returns the false response message.
I also don’t know how you would recreate this issue on your end unless you had real infections on one of your test sites so that you could try using my plugin to clean them. Maybe we can work together to recreate this scenario, or maybe it would just be better if your developer closed the loophole that is permitting an empty scalar value of support_mwp_message to slip through the cracks. Maybe the if statement on line 184 of /src/MWP/EventListener/PublicRequest/BrandContactSupport.php mentioned above should read like this:
if (!isset($request->request['support_mwp_message']) || empty($request->request['support_mwp_message'])) {