without MG Post Contributor -plugin code is
div class="ktv-postcontent clearfix"><p><iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NophRPaCebU?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p>
<div class="post_author_plugin"><span class="post_author_author"> <a href="https://kaupunki.tv/?author=10" title="More about Jan Niemel? ">Jan Niemel?</a>
and with MG Post Contributor -plugin code is:
<div class="ktv-postcontent clearfix">https://youtu.be/NophRPaCebU<div class="post_author_plugin"><span class="post_author_author"> <a href="https://kaupunki.tv/?author=10" title="More about Jan Niemel? ">Jan Niemel?</a> </span></div></div>
sites are kaupunki.tv and kaupunkiradio.fi.. sites are online and i need to show those videos.. is the problem in theme files or what? i am quite new with wordpress..