• mayogard



    I am having issues with embedding YouTube in my website. I have searched previous threads but many refer to Gutenberg. I am using DIVI for pages and classic editor for posts. I have enabled embedding in youtube studio and have tried clearing caches etc but still the video is not working. Any suggestions/advice most welcome. Thanks in advance.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • On examining your page, I suspect this has something to do with the cookie consent plugin/code you’re using.

    I’ll recommend you temporarily disable this plugin, flush any caching tool you may be using, and test the page.

    Standing by for feedback.

    Please remove old embedded code and & use that exact code

    <iframe width="100%" height="600" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/F7fK-K-sMDc"></iframe>
    Thread Starter mayogard


    Thanks for those suggestions but alas they don’t work

    The YouTube embed code is being changed by something on your site, so it’s not the code that you entered that’s the problem. There’s even an inline style hiding the iframe element completely.

    <iframe id="_ytid_40150" width="1080" height="607" data-origwidth="1080" data-origheight="607" class="__youtube_prefs__ no-lazyload cookieconsent-optin-marketing" title="YouTube player" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" data-no-lazy="1" data-skipgform_ajax_framebjll="" data-cookieblock-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/F7fK-K-sMDc?enablejsapi=1&autoplay=0&cc_load_policy=0&cc_lang_pref=&iv_load_policy=1&loop=0&modestbranding=0&rel=1&fs=1&playsinline=0&autohide=2&theme=dark&color=red&controls=1&" data-cookieconsent="marketing" style="display: none;"></iframe>

    You’ll see the video URL has been taken from the iframe’s src attribute to a custom data arrtibute named data-cookieblock-src.

    This is what makes me suspect it’s your cookie plugin that’s causing this.

    @mayogard please share a screenshot for the implementation of the code

    <iframe width="100%" height="600" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/F7fK-K-sMDc"></iframe>

    because I have put that code in coding it’s work please see the screenshot


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