Hello CountrySide,
We apologize for the late reply. There were some difficulties stopping us from replying via www.ads-software.com.
The manual setting of quality has been removed from YouTube API on October 24th 2019.
“> The documentation has been updated to reflect the fact that the API no longer supports functions for setting or retrieving playback quality. As explained in this YouTube Help Center article, to give you the best viewing experience, YouTube adjusts the quality of your video stream based on your viewing conditions.
> …
> The getPlaybackQuality, setPlaybackQuality, and getAvailableQualityLevels functions are no longer supported. In particular, calls to setPlaybackQuality will be no-op functions, meaning they will not actually have any impact on the viewer’s playback experience.”
( You can read more here: https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference#Revision_History )
Making the web work for you,