• Lluis


    I’ve been having some issues embedding youtube videos with shortcodes using your plugin. Also unable to get the ‘&rel=0’ to disable related videos to work.
    I suspect ‘&rel=0’ is part of the problem.

    A short url like [youtube https://youtu.be/idididid&rel=0] does not work in AMP. The ‘&rel=0’ at the end seems to confuse the parsing of the video id and the plugin generates a wrong video id and no video is shown in the AMP page
    <amp-youtube data-videoid="wrongid" layout="responsive" width="1000" height="563"></amp-youtube>

    removing ‘&rel=0’ in the shortcode fixes the problem but then you get related videos both in your regular and in your AMP pages.

    Using full url format in the shortcode like this:
    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idididid&rel=0]
    Works, however the generated AMP page is missing the data-param-rel=”0″

    Thanks in advance!

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