• Resolved BehindTheThrills


    I’m having an issue with YouTube Gallery and I’m hoping someone will be able to help correct the issue.

    I’m using this code:
    Legoland Preview|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKADRmI–gM
    Scream Cam 2007|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECwf9kuLGj0
    Sheikra Brake Demo|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COlRb4rWYGY
    Let’s Dance at BGT|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kJicxwj8-s

    On my Video page, it shows the videos in a weird way. On the first line, there’s a big open space on the left side and the videos are pushed over to the right. The line below it is the same way, except they’re aligned to the left like they should be.

    Here’s a link to the actual page if you need to see it to see what I’m talking about: https://behindthethrills.com/wordpress/?page_id=1507

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  • Thread Starter BehindTheThrills


    Here’s an update to the issue:

    I figured out it’s the Plugin TweetMeMe causing it to align incorrectly. Anyone know how to make them agree with each other?

    This occured with me, except only in IE7 or less. To fix it, I created a css file just for earlier IE browser with the following code:

    #youtube_gallery_item_1 {
    	margin-left: -135px;

    Shameless related plug: https://testofmanhood.com/35

    This is happening to me also with IE.

    Banjax, what do you mean by “created a css file”? I’ve fiddled around with the css script in various php files but I’ve never created one of my own, how do I do this?

    Banjax —

    Did you answer sirdavy’s question? I am having the alignment issue as well for the first item. Did the css coding go into a separate css file? or did you create a new one?

    Banjax, any details how you create a css file for ie only?

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