• Hello,

    After many many hours trying to figure this out and searching through what seems like every related support thread, I have decided to ask for help.

    I’m using a modified Twenty-Twelve theme, and my developer has completely disappeared off the face of the earth. My problem, like many others, is that my sidebar is at the bottom of the page. I am sure that there are no </div> mess ups, and I think that the issue is somewhere in my CSS (no idea where).

    The site is here
    As you can see, categories and posts don’t have this issue, but only pages do.

    I’m hoping to get this site up and running, but I’m just not able to battle this issue. I’ll happily post any snippets you need. My knowledge of CSS is absolutely rudimentary.

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  • I took a quick look. There seems to be something wrong with indeed the css grid. Your html has classes for 2 kinds of grid systems. The css for only one of these is present.

    Quick remark: I might be wrong on this. You might be using a grid system with a weird syntax.

    Solution. Not sure, this is quite a complex thing to resolve. You might want to double check if your theme is loading all the required css.

    There’s another thing. In your bump post (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/narrowed-down-an-issue-with-my-sidebar-but-i-dont-know-how-to-fix-it?replies=1) you showed 2 examples, one working, one not. That’s a fluke. Kind of an accident, the sidebar working is accidental, caused by the the content of the main column being just wide enough to let the sidebar fit next to it. If you add 2 words to the title (as an experiment): “Listen, download, and share recordings from our concerts” you’ll see that the page lay-out breaks up in the same manner as your not-working page example does.

    Is this page that does not have a side bar?

    I find it quite in tact (on Chrome and FF). Clear cache and try again.

    Thread Starter tvorm


    @krishna, that was the page that worked.

    Thanks so much for that Peter! Just my luck that I’d be forced to figure out CSS by troubleshooting a complex issue. I don’t quite get where the “2 grids” comes from though, what are the two grids? All I see is “small-12 large-9” “small-12 large-3”, which i thought was the syntax for just one grid system. If you could point out what I should be looking for in some other stylesheets or something, that might be a step forward.

    One quick question – with the “fluke” in mind, would it be possible to limit the width of the page’s content to the left of the sidebar so that the “fluke” is reproduced everytime? I’m not too worried about future functionality at this point. Thanks again for the feedback, if worst comes to worst I’ll bring that awesome insight with me to a paid gig.

    Grid systems are build up using 2 components: rows and columns. Your theme seems to be build up around the css framework Foundation wich has it’s own grid. However, these classes ‘small-12 large-9’ are not foundation classes. Hence, there seem to be 2 different grid systems inside your theme. It’s a mess. It’s not well build.

    One quick question – with the “fluke” in mind, would it be possible to limit the width of the page’s content to the left of the sidebar so that the “fluke” is reproduced everytime?

    Yes, that’s what a css grid does.

    Thread Starter tvorm


    Oh. Lol. Thanks for the help, I’ll keep fiddling

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