• Hi

    You should add something like a z-index:30000 on elements #morphsearch and div.morphsearch-content to be sure it sits on top of other layers.

    Very nice plugin!
    grz, kristof

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  • Plugin Author LebCit


    Hello Kristof,

    I’m really glad to know that you like the plugin ??
    Thank you very much for taking the time to look at the plugin and write those helpful and precious recommendations.
    I’m actually making some great improvements to the Customizer part of the plugin.
    I”ll surely change the rules in the next update (very soon, maybe today) like so :

    .morphsearch {
        z-index: 99997;
    .morphsearch-content {
        z-index: auto;
    .ui-autocomplete {
    	z-index: 99998;

    Hope that you’ll have some time to try the plugin with the Customizer improvements and tell me what you think of it.
    If you have any more suggestions to improve the plugin, please don’t hesitate at all, je suis tout ou?e ??

    à bient?t !

    Thread Starter Kristof Bernaert


    Hello LebCit

    Nice work you do.
    Have also a look on getting this working https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/searchwp-live-ajax-search/ on your search field. Would be an good pro to get more people convinced using ur plugin.

    I’m not directly using your pluging, I stumbled on it, and recognised the morf you used to make this nice new plugin.

    Keep up the awesome work ??
    grzz, stof

    Plugin Author LebCit


    Hello Kristof,

    Sure I’ll take a look over this.
    Any suggestion(s)/idea(s)/guidance are most welcome and take with great consideration ??

    I think the main reason behind the low usage of my plugin is it’s name because when you look over something you type the key word, in this case “search” or “search plugin” or “WP search” or “WP search plugin”, but my plugin ends with it ??

    I didn’t upload yet the update, it’s ready, just because I was also working on my theme, hope you’ll have some time to look over and give me a feedback.

    Thanks a lot ??

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