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  • The readme.txt in the theme svn contains a changelog. (it’s also in the theme download if you like)

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    Hi ClaytonJames

    Thank you very much ??


    You’re welcome.

    I upgraded my theme today and it OVERWROTE all the customization I did (ie. in style.css etc).

    How can I ROLL BACK the theme so as to get back all the customizations? I do not want this newest version with all the default settings and styles.


    You can’t roll it back. You will need to restore your customized theme from your backup copy.

    Hi Clayton – how would I restore from my backup copy? Or rather, where is the backup copy located?

    I have restored my DB files but the front-end still is the default zbench theme….

    Only you know where you keep the last backup you made of your web site files. I would assume you probably placed a copy of those files somewhere on your local computer for safe keeping.

    Whenever updating the theme, i always keep the backup of the Zbench folder from my wordpress.

    I would then cross check between the previous active and this new update, and re-add any custom changes i had done before.

    So if you do add customizations, don’t just simply update. Create a backup of your active site’s zbench folder, then do the cross checks …..

    I like the idea of cross checking, but…. where do I compare?

    I know the files are all at
    but without going through every single line of code in every single file, I can’t see an easier way to “compare and manually update”…

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    I find it best not having too many customizations on any WordPress theme as most of them are updated regularly.

    I have also learnt the hard way and now I only have one customization on zBench.

    fastest way is to check the file size of the phps. if the crc or file size is different.

    if it’s different, then check whats different.

    I have some of my own modifications in the zbench in some of the phps.

    so i go to those, and copy and paste into the new one. and test if it works.

    basically go to


    i check functions.php

    i copy the code from the old zbench file, and put into the new one.

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Start Add NextPage Button
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function wysiwyg_editor($mce_buttons) {
    $pos = array_search('wp_more',$mce_buttons,true);
    if ($pos !== false) {
    $tmp_buttons = array_slice($mce_buttons, 0, $pos+1);
          $tmp_buttons[] = 'wp_page';
          $mce_buttons = array_merge($tmp_buttons, array_slice($mce_buttons, $pos+1));
    return $mce_buttons;
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // End Add NextPage Button
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    save then check it works.

    So best if you write down what custom changes you did, that you may need to re-add whenever you update.

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    Thanks Moogle Stiltzkin

    I will save that info for future use ??

    Slightly off topic is anyone using the header facility for zBench?

    I have tried allsorts of images and added them into my theme but none of them ever look good, is anyone else using them????


    hm whats ur site link ? so can see what u mean ??

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    Hi Moogle Stiltzkin

    I have actually taken the image off but would welcome your advice.

    Its a Genealogy site regarding my surname, so its a bit boring!

    this is mine

    so u mean the banner ? it doesn’t work for you ?

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