• I had upgraded to the latest version of wordpress 4.7 this afternoon and post that I also tried to upgrade Zeriflite theme. And now half of my website information is gone and my website is not showing my company logo, selected widgets, pages etc….I did try to restore the automatic backup of last night but even after restoring it..the problem is not getting resolved. Is there a way where I get the last version of my website as it is. Guess the new update of wordpress or Zeriflite are not compatible. Thank you

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  • I discovered that Zerif Lite has been removed from the WordPress theme repository due to “infractions”. I will have to move to another theme. The news is here; https://wptavern.com/zerif-lite-suspended-from-wordpress-theme-directory-300k-users-left-without-updates

    Hi, I think that as a consequence of ZerifLite removal from the WordPress repo, the support team will not answer our requests here anymore.
    Mayb we should all move to the official ThemeIsle support forum

    fingers crossed

    Did you guys come across this post. Maybe it will help.

    You will need to download the theme from their website and keep updated as per their instructions or you will encounter problems with the theme, because the theme is not with WordPress at the moment. They are working towards fixing this problem as mentioned in the link.

    I have the theme installed on my website and as of right now everything is working well. I would follow their instructions in the post link above until they work things out with WordPress.

    If you are going to download theme from their site and start over this way, I would advise that you have all the information on your website ready just in case the new theme download does not automatically carry all of your page information forward.


    I just noticed this! I follow the instructions from here:

    I installed the plugin, activate it but I still don’t get any updates :S

    I have currently installed So my question: Is it still posible to update from old to last stable (I think 2.0.4)?


    Could you please create individual tickets, and detail the problem a little bit more, with the URL of the site that uses zerif lite, the version of the theme, if you are using a child theme, the used plugins and exactly what is the issue ? This way we can try to find all the issues and help everyone.

    Thank you,

    Yeah, sure! I’ll do that!

    HOW I finally resolved my problems with Zerif Lite after the update!

    All started when I updated from v. to
    1. the red button on the home disappeared
    2. it was impossible to change the template of the “blog” page (from wordpress page settings), because there was only a “Standard template” instead of the other “classic” Zerif lite template options (blog, full width …)

    What I did:
    Do it at your own risk since you could completely mess up your site!

    I noted that my ZerifLite version was stuck at 1.8.5 while last version is 2.0.4. and there were any new updates even after installing “Zerif Lite transition” plugin (which I think is part of the problem…)
    So, I basically did a freash ZerifLite install as follows.

    1. First of all I did a full backup (folders+database). This is important!
    2. Dowloaded last (2.0.4) ZerifLite version from ThemeIsle
    3. Disabled “ThemeIsle companion” plugin. This is important! (During my trials it caused a white screen of death at the end of the procedure).
    4. Activate a new theme (any theme is ok, I set WordPress default).
    5. Went to my FTP -> wp-content -> themes
    6. Deleted “zerif-lite” folder (be sure to have a backup just in case…)
    7. Went back to WordPress -> Themes -> Add new
    8. Selected and uploaded last Zerif Lite version from Theme Isle (.zip file)
    9. Activated the theme (or the child theme)
    10. I had to did some small fixes to the website logo and to the Focus section (both resetted to default)

    As a side note,
    I have found also that insted of the procedure detailed above, if you simply go to “Zerif Lite Transition” plugin and edit the following string in the “zerif-lite-transition-master/zerif-lite-transition.php” file (it opens by default)

    if ( version_compare( $version, ‘’ ) == – 1 ) {

    replacing ‘’ with ‘’, then “magically” the 2.0.4 update shows up!
    But I don’t know what it does…
    Be sure to deactivate ThemeIsle companion plugin before updating.

    So far so good. Up and running again with no apparent issue.
    Hope this helps.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by prenazol.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by prenazol.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by prenazol.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by prenazol.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by prenazol.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by prenazol.

    Hello i have the same logo problem that does not display, how did you resolve the problem? Thank you, i’m looking for 4 hours! regards

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