Zerif-Lite Trying To Create Child Theme
Hello, I am still trying to make a child theme work, when I upload it, it takes away all of my current content it is as if the website rests itself to stock images and content
Here is my code:
Theme Name: Zerif Lite Child
Theme URI: https://www.odysseydesignco.com/zerif-lite/
Author URI: https://odysseydesignco.com
Description: This is a child theme of Zerif Lite
Template: Zerif Lite
License: GNU General Public License version 3
License URI: license.txt
Text Domain: zerif-lite
Tags: black, gray, red, white, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar,fixed-layout,light,front-page-post-form,full-width-template,rtl-language-support,sticky-post,theme-options,responsive-layout, custom-background, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, threaded-comments, translation-ready, photoblogging
Text Domain: Zerif Lite-child
Domain Path: /languages/
*/@import url(“../Zerif Lite/style.css”)
What is wrong why cant I create it?
I want to make changes to the CSS without changing the core files……Please help
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