Sorry for the trouble you’ve run into!
If you are having trouble reaching our support via or do not feel that you have received a timely response, you can always reach out to us via our support forums at . We are very active over there.
I have checked both our email support system and our forums here, and can find no recent support requests from you.
The system you’re encountering is called Protect, it locks out IP addresses after a set number of failed login attempts, which keeps your site safe from brute force attacks.
As for the bug you encountered, we are working on it, but we’re still trying to track down details as to why it’s happening, since only very few people are affected compared to the total number of folks using it:
If you’d share the URL of the site you’re having trouble with, we can correct that for you now. Alternatively, you can whitelist your IP so that it is never blocked for suspicious activity:
And, of course, you can also stop it by accessing your server via SFTP or FTP, or a file manager in your hosting account’s control panel (consult your hosting provider’s documentation for specifics on these), navigating to /wp-content/plugins/ and deleting the whole /jetpack/ directory there.
Please let us know if you have any more questions!