• First, let me start by saying that I posted my issues first on the support forum, but no-one answered for 3 weeks. That’s why, today I’m posting my review here and give the same reasons as on that support post.

    1. Some text fields cannot be edited after the table is saved and the page refreshed. This forces me to delete them and add new text fields with the edited content.
    2. The star icons take incredible amount of space (paddings), which is even stranger considering the fact, that it cannot be changed without the use of CSS.
    3. There is no way to set the number of stars back to 0 after even 1 star has been clicked. This forces me to delete the stars module and create add it again.
    4. Plugin’s CSS loads correctly on Opera but doesn’t load at all in Chrome (nowhere in HTML). I had to paste the HTML of the CSS stylesheet directly via a wp_footer hook, so that it would show up.
    5. When an option “disable CSS” is enabled, the CSS is still enabled, but the whole table becomes impossible to edit with CSS. I noticed that in this case the whole table is generated and loaded using shadow DOM which would explain that, but why oh why did you think this is a good idea? Option “disable CSS” means “DISABLE CSS” and not, “prevent user styles to affect the table”.
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