• Starting a support thread here to see if this can be solved collectively and benefit others. It’s a good plugin, but this is a nagging, site specific issue.

    I have two sites using this plugin. In the Settings tab on Site A you can use the “Show the Geocode API response for a location search” tool and it works fine. On Site B you use the tool with the same address is says ZERO_RESULTS for the Map Preview and null for the API Response.

    I have looked at both site’s APIs within Google’s API dashboard and they are setup exactly the same. Site B getting ZERO_RESULTS validates the APIs and the pins do show on the map. And this happens when checking all the pins on Site B.

    If I swap my own working APIs from Site A to Site B and authorized Site B and the server IP I STILL get ZERO_RESULTS, null.

    If anyone can solve this mystery it will benefit others who have this issue.

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  • For anyone reading, we talked to the user and it turned out that the reason why they were getting ZERO_RESULTS on site “B” was because they had the “Force zipcode search” option enabled, so when they searched for a full address, Google Maps didn’t recognize it as a zipcode and so it returned no results ??

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