• zherald theme
    wordpress 2.9


    everything is ok here , but i have truble in sidebar, not on every page and post and index page, ….just on category page…means every time i visit and klick category link which are placed under top menu, and go inside category page, sidebar are totaly go mess….there is a blank space beetwen widgets first go blank space and after some inch another widget and again blank space and then again the same…i have problem with sidebar just on this category page and in two browsers: firefox 3.5 and google chrome, on other browsers everything is ok.

    php files in zherald theme:

    ad1.php (ad1.php)
    ads.php (ads.php)
    controlpanel.php (controlpanel.php)
    glide.php (glide.php)
    headbanner.php (headbanner.php)
    minipost.php (minipost.php)
    sidebar1.php (sidebar1.php)
    sidebar2.php (sidebar2.php)
    tab.php (tab.php)
    timthumb.php (timthumb.php)
    Архиве (archive.php)
    Бочна трака (sidebar.php)
    Главни индекс (index.php)
    Грешка (404.php)
    Заглав?е (header.php)
    Коментари (comments.php)
    Поднож?е (footer.php)
    По?е за претрагу (searchform.php)
    Резултати претражива?а (search.php)
    Функци?е теме (functions.php)
    Чланак (single.php)
    Шаблон стране (page.php)
    glide.css (glide.css)
    minipost.css (minipost.css)
    Стилови (style.css)

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