• Hi,

    Can I exclude posts in special categories (videos, featured), from appearing in the posts section


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  • Yes you can.

    Open the index.php file of the theme and find the string given below

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    Now right below that string use this code

    <?php if (in_category('25,15,13')) continue; ?>

    Now you need to understand that the numbers 25,15, 13 are just dummy numbers I used in the code. They actually represent the category id of the category you want to exclude. So in your case you will have to find the cat-id for those categories you want to exclude from your admin panel. You need to insert those numbers in the above code.

    This will exclude posts from those categories from the blog page.

    But however there is a downside for this. That is, the blog will display a blank space where the excluded post was supposed to be located. I am still unable to find a workaround for this.

    Hope that helps

    errr…sorry for being a complete novice here…but where would I find the cat-id?

    PS. I’m actually using “futura”

    and sorry…but how could I remove the post contents of videos from being shown in the sidebar Video Today section. It would be nice to post a video and write a bunch of content, but to *only* have the video show up, not the complete contents of the post.

    As an example, view my test site at: international.briana.ca


    Err…seems I have to add yet another post.

    If you only have a couple of sentences to fill on a post, in the category view of all posts, all the posts get smooshed together. It seems when you have more text, everything is fine..the posts get pushed down with proper space in between. So, if I only have a couple of lines, is there some simple code I could add to the html of the post that would allow me to put some lines in…like fake blank lines (<br /> doesn’t seem to work).

    err..thanks again…!! ??

    Hey again..lol.

    Well, I *think* I fixed the weird spacing issue when I don’t have enough content.

    My husband got me to download the web developer firefox add-on and then I viewed CSS styles in the page I first noticed the issue. So I found the div class was .entry in the style.css. Then I google searched how to do a minimum height (min-height) and randomly set it up and down and landed on 175px as a minimum. Now posts are at least that long but can go longer when I have a bunch of text.

    Do you think I found the appropriate solution?

    Thanks again!

    Edited to add: I just did a search on min-height and it looks like IE6 and lower doesn’t recognize min-height, only height. I wonder if I should be concerned about that…hmmm.

    jinsona I have been trying to contact you in every way I possibly know how! 1. Why is Web2feel down. But my true question is on your Zinmag Remedy how can I get the minipost to show the most recent post? I also want to do that for the slide? Every time I try doing it my self it comes out completely wrong, so I tried to do it on the control panel but the control panel won’t do anything!? I don’t understand why? Please help I am under a very tight dead line! Thank you.

    Best Regards,



    Does anyone how can I put my company logo on the heather on the zinmag-remedy theme??

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