• Resolved crh1982


    I have tryed everything to get zombaio to work in my wordpress site Zombaio installed it there self and no pages were locked for the membership site i have asked them to help they domt know how to use there own program. I then uninstalled thre zscript and used a plugin that is in the wordpress plugin directory wp zombaio and still can not get it to work when i try the test and login and it thinks I am trying to log in to admin back end of site and says wrong username/password. I had someone one on freelancer check it out and after over an hour there were not able to fix it. Do I need another plugin to make this work please help thank you I got it installed in my opencart shop site with not much issue but this is driving me crazy asI am usually able to figure things out with some research on the internet but there isnt much out there on this any help woud be apppricated!!


    [Moderator Note: No bumping. If it’s so urgent that you cannot wait longer than 1 hour on a volunteer-staffed forum, consider hiring someone.]

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  • Thread Starter crh1982


    ok i will thanks again

    Hello, I could use a lil help too…
    I think the Maven Member plugin is blocking Zombaio from installing.
    The install team said ‘Your site seems to be using a more advanced membership authentication. We can only help you with installations on apache membership sites using .htaccess and .htpasswd files. Our API needs to be implemented by your tech department -or- you have to change your site to basic authentication (protection of a folder and sub-folders) ie. https://www.yoursite.com/members.
    Please change your site to basic authentication -or- Implement the API’

    I have your wp Zombaio downloaded & active. I have been thinking about it, tried to tell them my issue. I even tried to read the ‘API’, I guess I’m not that bright… lol

    So I’m thinking, I need to delete the Maven Membership & either ask them to try & install again or go with your WP Zombaio plugin (actually, ur plugin is what made me sign up with Zombaio [one of the reasons] in the 1st place, I thought it would be a no brainer, I was wrong… lol)

    Am I right that your wp Zombaio replaces the zscript from Zombaio ?
    I just really need this fixed. I just got approved & got the news that they can’t install the zscript yesterday.

    Also, I managed to lock my site up so that when a visitor comes in all they see is the maven member accepted page. Somehow they are still signing up, I take that as a good thing but I’m sure I have a conflict. Too many membership plugins. This thread doesn’t seem to address that.

    I am really nervous about uninstalling anything w/o an expert saying to do so. But after much thought & if I don’t get a reply, I think that is what makes sense to do. I don’t have a problem with you poking around to see what I am talking about. So if you want my site addy, no problem. idk what the rules are here so… lol

    Plugin Author Barry Carlyon


    In short. Yes Maven will likely be blocking. And yes the Zombaio team won’t touch your site as they can only deal with the (somewhat) nasty Z Script/.htaccess/.htpasswd method.

    No member software works with other member software because they all do the same thing and step on each others toes.

    So if you want Maven, use Maven.
    If you want WP Zombaio use WP Zombaio.

    WP Zombaio is a replacement for what the Zombaio Install team installs and implements the Zombaio API. (IE Yes it replaces Z-Script)

    What you have is too many cooks, and you are getting horrible food as a result.
    You should run only one Membership plugin.

    With both Maven and WP Zombaio running, you’ll end up with a mess, as one will be happy to let a user login and the other won’t so people may end up paying twice. Or other extreme oddities.

    For WP Zombaio, all you need to do is install it, run the wizard, and turn off Anyone Can Register, as the Zombaio API is used to register users with WordPress.

    I don’t know anything about Maven, so can’t advise on it’s uninstall procedure.

    ty for answering so quickly…

    so I am just going to deactivate Maven members like right now…

    I’m not sure how to turn off anyone can register…

    I have to add the side bar widget and hope it all works out !!!

    I’ll brb, ty again !!!

    Plugin Author Barry Carlyon


    No problem,

    I’m normally floating about on the internet.

    Turning off anyone can register

    k, sorry, I still have a problem…
    In the wp zombaio set up…
    Redirect Target Page Title
    I set it to my home page, but that is not right because It will not let users off this page…
    What I need is for users to come in thru the home page & sign up on the join page.
    What do I set to the join page so that they can join ?
    Where it says ‘For Reference, your Zombaio Postback URL (ZScript) should be set to:’ ?

    Post the link to the registration page there ? right ?

    I am going to place the widget so they can log in as a paying member so logging in is not the problem.

    I have pages of videos, photos & a bunch of other stuff for them to look at before they join.
    Should I run the wizard again ???

    Plugin Author Barry Carlyon


    Redirect Page is up to you.

    As you want the home page to be public, you should leave this blank and disable redirection.

    What “join page” option do you refer to?

    ‘For Reference, your Zombaio Postback URL (ZScript) should be set to:’ that is a READ ONLY field, and provides the URL to put into Zombaio, so Zombaio can communicate with WP Zombaio. IE It’s for Reference…

    The pages that you want public (“them to look at before they join”), you will need to edit each one and make them Public.

    I’m not seeing this Zombaio Dev.
    In my side panel I have Zombaio Log & Wp Zombaio (wp zombaio, guide & Logs)

    Also, I already placed my seal from Zombaio on my Join page so I didn’t place the widget seal anywhere. I should b covered right ?

    I didn’t hit that link to turn off anyone can register until I sent that last post….

    Plugin Author Barry Carlyon


    “Zombaio Dev” is just the name of my development WordPress install.

    The screenshot is of WordPress General Settings.
    Settings -> General.
    Anyone can register is a WordPress core option.

    You can either use my seal shortcode, the seal widget, or just throw in the supplied seal code from Zombaio, it’s up to you. I just supply them to make things easier for you. As you can set the seal once in the backend, and then means when/if you change stuff, it’s harder to forget bits of the seal.

    I think the seal is fine…
    pretty sure it is correct on my Join page…

    Since I had to delete the Maven member plugin, does that mean I have to one by one send all the posts that were in the pay area to the Zombaio ?

    That is just now dawning on me, holy hell !!! lol

    In maven members you just check the categories. Is there a way to migrate these pages to the Zombaio ? Or do I need to tear down each page & repost it ?

    Plugin Author Barry Carlyon


    Zombaio doesn’t need your content sending to it?! So why would you send it?


    WP Zombaio by default Protects all content.

    If you want to make existing content public just edit the existing page and make it public. As per the last screenshot on the Plugin Info Pages

    I do have a bulk editor on the todo list for a future release tho

    oh thank god !!! lol
    so it is all protected…
    that just makes maybe 30 posts I have to make free…
    I’m glad I asked !!!
    (You got my question, not sending to Zombaio…)

    I am having the same problem the 1st person had who started this post…
    It is signing into the WordPress not the Zombaio area…

    What did u say to do to fix this ?

    And I tried to stop it from redirecting, now it goes straight to a wordpress (not zombaio sign in) from the home page, uugghhh

    I think if I straighten this out I will be set !!!

    Plugin Author Barry Carlyon


    Sorry for the delay, I was called away.

    To stop it redirecting, turn off redirect from home page and turn off the redirect so it doesn’t have anywhere to redirect to.

    There is no Zombaio Signin.
    Users login to your site (WordPress).

    Zombaio just deals with payments and doesn’t handle login or authentication

    k, I think I got everything else fixed but when you try to sign up it sends you to a page that says contact the admin. I looked at the url it is sending you to… It is a cross of my Join Page & my Zombaio addy.

    I need it to go to my Join page & when they get done they go to Zombaio.

    Where do I fix this ?

    I got all frustrated & asked Zombaio to fix it, which they said they would that day. That was Friday & I guess I won’t hear anything until tomorrow, lol

    Another thing, I am trying not to have people confused. The top right sing in has never worked. I wanted to delete it but scared. I have the Member & Join page top left.

    I also have this member & Join widget that u suggested to put in my right side bar. Is that excessive ? Which should I get rid of ? If you say none how do I fix / find the code for the upper right corner Member signin ?

    I guess that is it, the traffic is picking back up to ,my site after it being inaccessible for like 2 weeks… while I screw everything up… lol

    Plugin Author Barry Carlyon


    k, I think I got everything else fixed but when you try to sign up it sends you to a page that says contact the admin. I looked at the url it is sending you to… It is a cross of my Join Page & my Zombaio addy.

    You have put the wrong thing in the join form shortcode.

    You currently have something like

    [zombaio_join align=”left” width=”300″ join_url=”https://yoursite.com/something/” buttonalign=”center”]PRICING[/zombaio_join]

    However, the join_url argument is invalid.
    It needs to be the Join URL for the subscription you want the join form to be for.

    Something like:

    [zombaio_join align=”left” width=”300″ join_url=”https://secure.zombaio.com/?000000000.000000.ZOM” buttonalign=”center”]PRICING[/zombaio_join]

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