Zoom and Tutor LMS PRO
I have Tutor LMS PRO and ZOOM integration correctly setup, but i see the button ADD ZOOM LESSON only on the backend and not into the FRONTEND.
Please let me know how to consent to the Teachers to create their own LIVE LESSON from their dashboard.
Hello @marcoqwerty
https://prntscr.com/w726n3 i can see the meeting option in the front end. You will need to have the pro version of the tutor lms plugin. With the pro version you should be able to create your own from the front end. make sure that the instructors zoom is also set up correctly. Each individual user needs their own zoom setup to be done correctly. For further information and faster support we suggest you to email us at [email protected]
Thank you
best regardsHello!
Thank you for your reply, but the question its still unsolved.
I have correctly the Tutor LMS PRO, user is correctly an Istructor andthe API are correctly connect as the doc shows, but im able to see the ZOOM controls only on the Backend editor and not in the Front-end.
I sended a mail to the support to investigate, but i have notice this is a common problem also on the Fb Tutor Group.
Hello @marcoqwerty
Sometimes the functionality stopped working when there is any conflict occurs. I think you also have this conflict there. So, please check the conflict. This doc will help to find the conflict easily
https://wpforms.com/docs/how-to-test-for-theme-or-plugin-conflicts/I hope your issues will be solved by this way
same problem of @marcoqwerty . Bought the Pro version but the Instructor can set up API only in back end way and only enabling front end admin onnsettings.
But is not user friendly, course creation is granted in front end and zoom setting not?
Pls provide a solution or , at least, a plugin usable to mitigate.Thanks
FabioI continue to investigate, as suggest to the support i upgrade to my last version of PHP and ask also to the developer of the theme (LISTEO THEME directory listing) to take a look if its really a theme incompatibility or others.
Actually i switch with the default WP theme and the issues still persist, so i think its not a Theme incompatibility.
Also i have some incompatibility between CHROME BROWSER and FIREFOX related to MULTI ANSWER checkbox that are not visible on CHROME.
Another things….
Why the ZOOM BUTTON its ONLY VISIBLE for my ADMN account and not into the other admin accounts?
For example…
I have MINE ADMIN ACCOUNT and another ADMIN ACCOUNT both apply for TUTOR INSTRUCTOR, but on the BACKEND the button its visible only on my ADMIN account and not in both?
Hello @marcoqwerty and @fabiob76,
I have two admins logged in from two different browser incognito and I can see Zoom appears on the frontend course builder as well as backend. Both users have admin and Tutor instructor role assigned.
Please make sure both Zoom are connected using API and secrete keys. Also make sure you are using latest version of everything- php, WordPress and Tutor LMS both free and pro.
You can send us email to support at themeum dot com if you would like us to troubleshoot the issue for you.
Hello again, i saw you have change the status as SOLVED but still i got issues.
Before to write here i contact the customer support of TUTOR LMS but i got the answer who is only the PHP version issues, i updated the PHP version to the last but still not working.
Also the Developer of the Theme was contact and he detect any incompatibility with the Plugin and the Theme.
Please, customer support need to be more specific if something happens to a customer who BUY THE PRO LIFETIME LICENSE of the plugin, not just say…on my demo theme works so is your theme.
Actually i still dont know HOW IT WORKS THE PLUGIN on your demo theme, because i cant access to that dashboard, its possible see the demo or frontend dashboard on the Demo website?
Just in case:
– i have deactivated all the plugin
– i have revert the theme to WP DEFAUL ONE…and the ZOOM button still not appear on the Frontend.
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by
Hello @marcoqwerty,
You can mention your email address and I will search and reply from there. We will take a closer look at your particular issue on your site.
Can you search by “Marcoqwerty” on your mailbox, last reply was from today.
Hello @marcoqwerty,
No email from Marcoqwerty. Please come to our live chat. I’m available to talk if you are.
both Zoom are connected
how do I do this? Where can I specify the settings for the second ZOOM?
If I pay the Zoom tariff and can create an unlimited number of conferences, how can courses be created under my host?I see that there is a check on line 145 in the file in plugins/tutor-pro/addons/tutor-zoom/classes/Zoom.php and I can’t figure out what this variable and field is in the account $settings = json_decode(get_user_meta($user_id, $this->api_key, true), true);
Have you seen this link?
https://docs.themeum.com/tutor-lms/addons/zoom-integrationEach Instructor Needs to Connect Their Own Account
The admin’s account can not be shared by all the instructors due to various reasons like rescheduling the meeting or cancellation. So, to have better control over the meetings, each instructor must connect their own API details from the backend dashboard.so you have to create an instructor-only zoom account and then get the API Key and API Secret for the account at the instructor level itself. I’ve tried it and it worked. So that each instructor has a separate API Key and API Secret account and then integrates them into zoom on their account via the backend. If you use user restrictions to the dashboard, then you have to change the role for instructor to instructor+editor or instructor+author
Hope this helps.
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by
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