Sorry for the delayed reply, we don’t monitor these forums. We’re just reviewing past threads to help resolve them and then hopefully new forum posters will read our recently created sticky post at the top of this forum, asking users to direct questions to our Events Manager plugin forum instead, which we monitor daily!
For posterity I’ll reply to your question, as I’d guess this may be too late.
We had some bugs related to “no registration” zoom events with bookings enabled in EM. This is fixed in 1.4.
@edwardphelps answered this question to some extent, but I’ll elaborate;
If you want users to register on EM via our booking forms, then the logical setting is to require registration on Zoom, with manual approval, because that way users can only register via EM and booking statuses are synced over to Zoom. Without the registration link, nobody would register on Zoom.
On the other hand, if you don’t want users to register via EM, you could choose any option. For registration options, you’d share the registration link generated by Zoom which will show up on your event in EM admin. If you choose ‘no registration’ then the link you’d share with users is the Join URL, which anyone can use to join.
Now, with EM, if you choose ‘no registration’ with bookings enabled, the booking join link you can send via email would be the generic Join URL anyone can use or share, rather than a unique join link generated via required registration.
Hope that clarifies! I’ll subscribe to this thread in case there’s follow-up questions, but will also mark this resolved.